
Are hiccups normal in a 2 and 1/2 week old?

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my baby is 2 and 1/2 weeks old, ever since the day we brought her home from the hospital she gets hiccups after almost every time we feed her. my mom said it's normal... will gas drops help releave the hiccups?




  1. yes they are totally normal. She just may need a little breather between feedings sometimes infants can get hiccups when they lack a little air. My nephew had them all the time even on the day he was born. I have also heard babies can get hiccups from over stimulation.

  2. Perfectly normal! My first son even had hiccups when he was in the womb...LOL It doesnt hurt them in any way, just maybe try to get him to drink a little bit of fluids, that helps with the hiccups sometimes :)

  3. Totally normal.

  4. its totally normal, but no worries, they are not painful and dont bother babies as they do adults.

  5. my daughter had them constanly as a newborn

  6. It drove me crazy that my daughter got the hiccups 2-3 times a day when i was pregnant.  My belly would bounce up and down constantly.  My co-workers would just wait for it everyday.  I though this would stop when she was born, but she gets the hiccups everyday still.  She got the hiccups the day she was born and has everyday since.  I've heard it comes from their lungs developing.  The doctor says it has always been normal.  Poor baby just entertain her till they go away if they annoy her, otherwise good luck.  

  7. very normal, not to worry, my gal hiccupped in my belly all the time!

    if you start to see other symptoms it can be a sign of reflux, but usually is totally harmless....


  8. Yes it is normal and no gas drops won't help.

    Try feeding her some milk, that might help.

  9. its normal, babies get them while they are still in you.  

  10. its compleatly normal for babies to have the hiccups, my son got them a few days after he was born, i was told that they dont bother babies. i did find gas drops worked a little bit for my son but i didnt usually bother as they went away within 10 mins.

    what i did find is that when my son was feeding he would gulp down his bottle then get the hiccups so i changed to a slower flow teat which helped.

    i hope that i have helped

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