
Are hispanics a minority? why?

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here in the united states




  1. Yes. They are a numerical minority in that there are less of them, but in sociology they are a minority because they hold less power (Politically, Financially, etc..). In sociology, the amount of power determines if a group is a minority or not. For example, although women are a numerical majority in the United States, they are considered a minority because they hold less power and wealth then men in general.

  2. America is primarily Caucasian people. Because there are more of them than Hispanic people, Hispanic people are a minority.

  3. Some parts its not a minority like Los Angeles for example:

    Population 9,948,462

    Hispanic 47%

    White 26%

    Asian 11%

    Black 9%

    But in some cities like Chicago, Phoenix, New York, and Houston, its way less than the overall population.

  4. no hispanics are not the minority here in utah every where i go all i see is mexicans, and people speaking spanish it makes me sick come to the at the very least learn the d**n language

  5. Depend where, if is in California or Texas then no, but over all as country, yes they are, but not far too long, according to census 1 century from now might be had more hispanic than white.

  6. Because there's not as many of them.

  7. As the general population in America hispanics belong under subordinate status and are not in the dominate group white people.

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