
Are homeless people homeless because they're stupid?

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What are the REAL reasons for homelessness?




  1. I honestly don't think homeless people are homeless because they are stupid. I think mainly why people are homeless is because they made one or many wrong choices and had to pay for the consequences. I think the main reasons why see so many homeless people out in the streets these days because of bankruptsy or not being able to find a job. But I actually don't know this is just based off from a 13 year old's point of view.

  2. there can be many diffrent reasons. i knew a guy who was really smart and was rich at one time we would not slow down untill he got really sick and lost alot and being homeless he said was the best thing that ever happen to him, he was happier. so for some it is caused by addictions, other can be caused by pure stupidity. and some just happen with out any cause just a fact of life. sorry to say and see it happen

  3. you have received some great posts.

    there are many reasons that you may not know about.

    there are many reasons why.

    maybe you like to talk to some of the homeless people

    to find out the real reason.

    Old saying: walking in others shoes

  4. Not stupid, just unmotivated. Eventually they lose the motivation to gain any of the benefits of life, so they live as the bottom-feeders and are seemingly "content" enough.

  5. I was homeless on and off since i was 14, until i was about 20.  I am 22 now and i am not stupid nither did i choose to be homeless, I am now studying to do a degree in sociology, so im not at all stupid.

    Homelessness, can occour for a number of reasons,some people have bad luck, some can't live at home for many reasons. Some people have no family..there is many many reasons, and if people like you were not so ignorant and judgemental, maybe we could help our homeless population rather the leave them to rot in a gutter.

  6. stupid ???? what a generic word for something that doesnt exist. stupid like low iq????

    mental illness can be factor, some people who start with nothing or get that way through addiction can pick themselves up after losing everything.

    some people are fine with it and find it offers freedom and a life style of its own. bums do hangout together if you notice and seem to be social except for the very disturbed ones.

    stupid (im not saying dont be mean or some c**p like that) its just a dumbed down word. stupid like slow learners? no i think homeless just can get there like screwed on tight so end up relying on oblivion (booz) or the generosity of others.

  7. So I'm assuming your homeless then, given the stupid question and all.

  8. mental illness job losses, a gross failure of government to protect its people

  9. No, they're not stupid at all. Mental illness is the major cause of homelessness. A lot of mental health hospitals closed down in the US & now jail or on the streets are where they end up. There are a lot of Vietnam Vets or other War Vets who have had bouts with mental illness & have ended up on the street. Yes, there are alcoholics & drug addicts also, but I feel it all goes back to mental illness.

  10. there are many reasons for people being homeless, do you really think they choose to live rough and have nowhere to sleep at night, and not they are not stupid just down on their luck.

  11. Sounds to be that your homeless!

  12. At times, yes.

    But usually because they are just basically unlucky or poor financial management.

  13. Ignorant people like you.

  14. it happens, lose a job, bankrupt, cant keep up, IRS, life, child support, sick etc etc.

  15. SOCIAL DARWINISM is an excuse used by the rich to justify for example, divine right, winning the dna lottery etc.....Wealth is seen as inherent goodness and moral rightness which it definitely is not but hey once you've got that much money everyone will see you as such anyways its been proven the rich are seen as pure and the poor as un pure but some "important" figures in history would disagree with this theory and turn society on its head, those who are undeserving would be seen as deserving and those seeming so would be not.

  16. No.   A lot of homeless people have college degrees.

    A lot of people are homeless because they lost everything in life - and did not get a break to help themselves.

    I heard on the news about a homeless man who died - and he was a millionaire.   I don't know why he was homeless.

    There are many reasons why people are homeless.

  17. you're kidding, right?  

    There are a lot of reasons for someone to be homeless...illness, medical bills, divorce, loss of a job, loss of sanity, just plain old bad luck...there shouldn't be any homeless in this country, but there is.  It amazes me that we can send billions upon billions of dollars to other countries, and not help ourselves.  I just hope you aren't serious when you ask this question.  Do a little research, you'll be saddened as to what some of the real causes of homeless people situations, what they have to deal with, and how they got to be there.

  18. We live in Santa Cruz, Ca., the "homeless" capital of the U.S.  Our city council supports the three classes of losers:  Homeless, bums, and lunatics.  They are fed and housed and treated like household pets.  I've dealt with them for 22 years.  There are homeless people who want to find a job but are in a tough situation.  They will work for minimum wage just to get a start.  They want their own home.  

    The bums have no desire to work or to live under a roof.  They are only truly happy with a cheap bottle of wine.  Given a choice, they will sleep under a bridge or in the bushes.  They would rather beg than work.  

    The lunatics are in a class by themselves.  When they aren't talking to themselves or living inside a trash bag, they are spitting at people.  The lunatics will live anywhere or nowhere.  The bums and lunatics are "homeless" by choice.  And, yes, they are stupid.

  19. Do you honestly think someone would want to live that way..? They live that way cause they have no choice but to do so. There are lot's of reasons they could be homeless.. IRS, child support, bankruptcy, loss of job, loss of transportation (cannot get to work without that).. got hurt on the job, made some crazy choices in life  (now paying for the consequences), there are lot's of reasons but, no they really don't have a choice, and what's so bad is they don't know how to get out of it: to better themselves, they just don't know where to start..

  20. Do you have 3 months of you're salary in savings?  I know I don't and that is the LEAST that is recommended- in case you were to lose your job!!!!!  Do you realize how many people could be homeless tomorrow if something unexpected happened?  Also, a large percent  of the homeless have mental illnesses. Untreated they are unable to lead any type of "normal" life- much less get and keep a job.  Many people struggle with addiction-- if you don't- you have no idea what you would give up for your next fix.

    Since I do not have 3 months salary in saving, which would equal- $6,000 dollars,suffer from bi-polar disease- but am very fortunate to have good health insurance and am on the right medications, and have struggled with additions in the past--- I thank God daily that I have a home and am able to pay my bills.  For about 90% of the homeless, my heart goes out to them- it's called compassion.  Would you CHOOSE to live that way?

  21. The real reason for homelessness is a corrupt capitalist society that could care less whether its citizens our receiving adequate medical care (mental health in particular) or the necessary tools and resources (education, food, shelter, etc.) to lead a good life.

  22. Yes because there ******* losers and get no where in life because they have no education

  23. Do you have a house because your stupid?

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