
Are homeschoolers going 2 rule the world?

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Are homeschoolers going 2 rule the world?




  1. what type of question is that you people are just pyco grow up!

  2. They will certainly be qualified

  3. Nothing aginst homschooled children but I feel like they lack a certian social skill that is only learned in schools- so no I dont think they have the right approach to rule. However it is becoming more popular.

  4. Not a chance.

  5. Are the brightest people running things now???

    In America, do you have any idea how many legislators have criminal records?  Just look at Teddy "Mary Jo Kopeckne" Kennedy.

  6. Oh yeah, and I can see it now! How AWESOME would that be :) :)

  7. doubtful, I have nothing against home schooling but I believe they lack valuable social skills to rule the world

  8. We could if the government would let us, we're smart enough to do it, and for those people that think we don't socialize and have the skills, then think again, cuz we do.

  9. Yep, that's our goal.  Promise.  We test our kids on world domination every week.  It's actually a core subject.  :)  <smile>

    I don't know whether they'll rule the world, but they'll certainly be qualified to.

  10. No...

  11. Ignoring the politicians, who don't really control much, and concentrating on the 'captains of industry'. Yes, I think we will  start to see the free thinkers and natural leaders which home educating produces take over, because what the schools are producing are blank eyed wage slaves. Many of the big corporations today are run by college drop-outs so homeschoolers isn't a big step, and it is big businesses that call the shots, not the figureheads of government.

  12. Probably.   They are independent thinkers, they study history and read books.  They do not follow the masses blindly. They refuse to be clones, dictated to by the mob.  They are already strong because they have chosen to stand apart and stand up for what they believe in.  Homeschoolers, by virtue of their unique non-conforming education are cut out to be leaders and not followers.

  13. TOTALLY!!! We are so much more independent and we do not follow the heard!

  14. If the free world remains free then yes.

    ***UPDATE: They already rule their own world!

  15. muahahaha! you know it

  16. God help us if that happens.

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