
Are homo sapiens the ultimate in evolution? if not whats next and who will let confirm the next stage?

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Are homo sapiens the ultimate in evolution? if not whats next and who will let confirm the next stage?




  1. I sincerely hope that homo sapiens in NOT the ultimate in evolution as we have made a complete c*** up of the world.  We may be able to speak, use computers, fly (with the aid of machines) but we will one day blow ourselves into oblivion unless some aliens from outerspace take us over and sort us out.

  2. Homo sapiens has denied any other species the ability to evolve further because of our total control of the planet. We cannot even evolve ourselves because we have created laws and societies where even the weak, mentally ill, genetically imperfect, subnormal and psychotic survive and breed. Unless we die out completely from some plague or warfare, there can be no more evolution on this world.

  3. Evolution doesn't have a direction.  If your population keeps breeding, everything's cool.  If it's not, you guys either go extinct or you change as the environmental pressures encourage individuals with some genes to procreate more than the ones without.  If those changes make you more complicated, cool; if they make you more simple, that's fine, too.  It doesn't matter, as long as you keep having the babies.

    With that in mind, we are most certainly not the ultimate in evolution, because evolution has no ultimate.  The human species is still evolving anyway.  We can't see that because, first, we can only really see a couple of generations anyway.  Evolutionary changes take a while to build up, so you want to be able to see a lot of generations, not just mom, grandma, and the kids.  Also, we're the most successful at manipulating our environment to suit us.  Environmental pressures that act on other species simply don't apply to us, because we have Polar fleece, air conditioning, and antibiotics, among other things.  That's not a bad thing, of course; I think we're a lot richer for having the Stephen Hawkings of the world around.  It does mean, though, that we're already suited for a lot of environments.  Kinda like roaches, heh.

  4. We Think we Are. But if a real progressive alien traveled among us he or she would wonder why Humans allowed Poverty domestic violence, and wars to exist so long. As Humans we are NOT Reaching our potential.


  5. Yes we are because we were made in Gods own image - although since I expect the standards have slid a little.

  6. Probably on this planet but who's to say or prove we're the only lifeform out of all those galaxies etc etc

  7. The following may answer your Q:

    The Brilliant, Adam and Eve Prover:

    Book, TWO BIRDS ... ONE STONE!!, by genius Kinesiologist, Denis Towers, [], 2007??

    Upon a 9 year study, the author writes this work, which scientifically illustrates that Man and the snake are diametric opposites - both, 'functionally-anatomicall... and behaviourally.

    It is a Master-work among the books that have been written!

    An absolute MUST for believers and for Creationists.

    If you want that elusive SCIENTIFIC proof of Adam and Eve and God, this is it!!!

    Highly Unique among books.

    Who has read it??

  8. As tool users we hinder evolution, we don't need to adapt because we can make a tool that will adapt for us.

  9. Probably not.  We're probably an evolutionary dead end.  Evolution occurs as a result of environment.  Our species is very unkind to the environment we developed in.  I think the 'ultimate' animal may come from the bird branch of evolution.  Flying seems to be a pretty useful feature.

  10. Where do you come up with a phrase like “ultimate evolution”?

    By definition, there IS NO “ultimate Evolution. Evolution is the very example of change, adoption, and yes, mutation.

    I suppose some of the primary reasons that bible thumpers fear and therefore, hate, evolution is:

    1. The concept of things changing over time, to adjust to present conditions, thereby giving the organism, and it’s species, a better chance at survival is really much of what evolution says.

    2. This obviously flies in the face of Mesopotamian concepts but I remind us that the level of science and the periphery of just past stone aged understand found in the bible is insufficient evidence for a pseudo-science position in modern times.

    3. Bible stories written with the best information they had at the time and this includes all the subsequent translation up to the final rendition of the KJV in the mid 1700’s are not consistent with man’s ever expanding knowledge base.

    4. Evolution can be considered a fact, which, by the way, is nothing more than sound theory, so all the bleating about ancient misconceptions are of no value save the perpetration of religious misconceptions.

    People, even true believers could just accept the obvious and adjust their position and move on to the next discovery. Many Christians embrace evolution since it is proven valid constantly. This is something that most do not understand about a theory, which is in no way related to an opinion.

    A theory must satisfy peer review where knowledgeable individuals will try their best to refute the postulation. The postulation must be based upon empirical evidence, not mere claims, and must make predictions about the future based upon the theory. This is precisely why “creationism is not now nor will it ever be a “theory”!

    So terms like, “ultimate evolution” may tell us that the writer doesn’t understand the concept of evolution but at least they can serve as notice that the writer is about to write drivel and no serious attention should be paid to what comes afterwards.

    Jim D

  11. You need to explain what you mean by "ultimate in evolution" as the phrase is meaningless as it stands.

    It SEEMS to assume that evolution is a conscious process that's trying to acheive some over-arching goal. This is simply NOT the case.

    Evolution is "blind" -- it's a summary word for the process by which self-replicators replicate themselves.

    We are certainly NOT the most recently evolved species -- chimps are "more evolved" than us; also, pigs, cows, and, I think, whales, are all more recent species than we are, so we are NOT ultimate in that sense.

    There's no way of knowing what's next -- or even what new species are emerging now or have begun to emerge in the recent past -- the only way to say that a new species is in existence is after it has been around a while; one can say retrospectively that it DID emerge, but one can't tell when it's happening.

    I gather you think that evolution is in some sense "trying' for consciousness, that is, that subsequent species will have something like our mind, our ability to reflect, have sophisticated language, culture, or similar things.

    There's no reason to believe this; it's a mis-understanding of evolution.

    You might want to read up on the topic, as it seems you don't really understand it very well.

    The time and intellectual sweat understanding evolution requires are well worth it.

  12. We, that is Man, does like to think he is the acme of the evolutionary world. However, when we compare species in relation to evolution, we tend to pick on one here and another there and say 'look how that has evolved'. In reality, evolution is a gradual and continuous on-going process that has no foreseeable end. In fact, evolution can only end when there is no life left on the plantet to evolve.

    The human species, homo sapiens, IS evolving still, perhaps too gradually for many of us to notice. But, it is a fact that we live longer on average today than we did 200 years ago, and there is a tendency for children to be taller on average than they generally were just 200 years ago. Only a couple of examples I know, but this is evidence of change - of evolution actually happening. No, we are not going to evolve into giant brains on legs, or anything else that sci-fi enthusiasts may envisage. But we are in the process of change, with tendencies toward higher levels of intelligence and more durable physical structures. But as the process of evolution occurs over millions of years, don't hold your breath. One example of how slow evolution can be is in the marine brachiopod 'Lingula' - found today in the China Seas in a form that is almost identical to the form it had some 250 or more million years ago.

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