
Are hookers still a no-no?

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Some politician is getting all kinds of news coverage for using hookers. And it's not about quality; they're good hookers. I thought we had moved past this... just a slow news day?




  1. hooker is a ya-ya

  2. lol, hookers will always be a no-no!!! sordid crude  groos and jus plain creepy!

  3. They've always been a yes for me.

  4. He ought to move to Nevada.  Its legal there.

  5. They will always be a no-no!! they are retusing the act of having s*x to a level or pure animal attraction, all about what somebody looks like, not what they are like as a persron!! soiety still says that s*x should be in a loving couple,, not just when you are horny

  6. yes

  7. Hookers are great. A girl has to make a living.  And if that living is a grand an hour, more power to her!  The problem is, he's a hypocrite.  Oh, he's squeaky clean and he wants to bring morallity back.  Behind our backs, he's getting his freak on with young women for pay.  It's not the hookers that are the problem, it's him publicly saying that he's bringing "w***e" houses down in NY, yet privately endorsing them.  That's the problem.  Kind of like catching your friend in a lie.

  8. Right or wrong, hooking is illegal and he's a public offical payed for by taxpayers. He took an oth to uphold his office. Breaking the law is breaking the law & he shold be punished. Would you think it different if they caught him hitting a crack pipe or shooting some heroin instead?

  9. duh they are politicians are already going to h**l so i guess it is "ok" (no it is still bad) for them to have the time of their life before they die of "un-known" reasons

  10. pretty much!

  11. Hooking is the second oldest profession on the planet (after farming..) and it has always been, and remains, a "no-no".

    Particularly if the "john" is married. And if he's a married politician... woo hoo!

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