
Are horroscope worth reading?

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I’m not really into these star sign malarkey, but reading my star sign character description paints a quiet accurate picture of whom I am. I always peek at the horoscope columns in a paper and I think to myself that some good advice at times, but in reality it makes no sense in my day life. Has anyone ever read something that has helped them or is it a nonsense…who write these things and how do they do it.




  1. These are always worth reading. The Onion's weekly horoscopes. Pseudo-science that works. Here are some for this week:

    Your Birthday Today

    You'll have your very own line of cologne just as soon as scientists find a way to bottle the stench of defeat.

    Aries March 21 - April 19

    They say that someone with half a brain could do your job, which is good news considering next week's debilitating stroke.

    Taurus April 20 - May 20

    God may have a divine plan for you, but after the coal mine disaster and the tour bus fire, you're beginning to suspect He's just making it up along the way.

    Gemini May 21 - June 21

    You'll be reduced to a fraction of your former self this week when both your numerator and denominator are divided by 12.

    Cancer June 22 - July 22

    Prom can be the most memorable night in a young girl's life. However, if the barbiturates do their job, she should still have trouble identifying you the next morning.

    Leo July 23 - August 22

    You've never been the athletic type, so it's a bit of a surprise when you're suddenly struck with a dozen errant javelins.

    Virgo August 23 - September 22

    Dogs and their owners will often begin to look alike after years of living together, though it's hard to tell with your face inside that bowl half the time.

  2. if the daily horoscopes were accurate, each day there would only be 12 different types of days for the billions of people alive.

  3. Astrology has some validity, especially in determining character, but where horoscopes miss the mark is this: Your sun sign (which is the sign that you are most familiar with) refers to your life path, not your day to day life. Your rising sign (ascendant) is often more in line with who you "consider" yourself to be and most people don't know what that is.

    Horoscopes, in my opinion, are kind of a "fly-by-night" astrology and not very useful. If you know your own information (especially sun, moon & rising signs) and keep up with the positions of the planets you get a more accurate view of "which way the wind is blowing" in your life, but horoscopes are just someone else's interpretation about what may be going on because of the planetary movements. It's just an educated guess at best.

  4. i think horoscopes are fun to read because it times they are right on point and tell true things.  Its okae once in a while to read them but don't base your life on it fully, wouldn't it be better to live life as it goes and get surprised =] but the people that usually write it are astrologists they base it on stars its just up to you if you want to believe that stars control your life.

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