
Are horses allowed on the pavement? If not is it totally banned or is it just not the proper way?

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Are horses allowed on the pavement? If not is it totally banned or is it just not the proper way?




  1. As far as horses being allowed on pavement...most of north America has a "horses have the right of way" law way back in their archives.  A lot of drivers do not know this but it is true.  Personally I try to stay away for pavement, it is not a good place for a horse to be.  I have used the borium at times, but that does not help with the ignorant drivers who will honk a horn or race by a horse just to see what the horse will do.   You can have the quietest spook proof horse known to man kind and it only takes one time for things to go very wrong on a busy highway.  Take the low road, leave the pavement to the vehicles.

  2. It's not a matter of them being allowed on pavement, it's that the HARD surface is VERY bad for their legs and feet.

    It ALSO can be VERY slippery, that's why you see most parade horses with special shoes that have little beads of borium on the bottom of them so that they can grip the asphalt and concrete so they don't slip and fall down.

    The horses that are shod at Disneyland use the same types of shoes (Tom Quillian and Darrel Andrews both shod horses at Disneyland for years and were/are personal friends of mine.).

    When I have a choice of black top or dirt, I choose dirt because it's kinder on the horses feet and legs.

  3. That really depends on where you are. Horses can walk on pavement but it can be slippery with and without shoes.

  4. in my town u can ride ur horse through mcdonalds  but not ever town

    likes that

  5. It depends on the ordinances in your particular county or city.

  6. In the UK ?


    See rule 54 page 20 of the Highway Code

  7. i ride my horse on the pavement all the time unless there is a specific "no horses" sign. i am not saying that it is ok, since where i live is just one town in mn, but that is how we do it. you may want to check with a city official though, just to be safe. and if you do decide to ride on pavement, be sure to shoe your horse (at least the front feet) to prevent chipping due to the hard ground.

  8. Check with the county police in your area for any restrictions.

    As for slippery surfaces, unless you have shoes with borium or other non-slip material added, they are more slippery than barefoot.  A horse with normal, healthy hooves can be ridden barefoot on asphalt and actually be better off.  The shock absorbant qualities now known to be a function of the hoof wall are impaired by shoes.  Wearing of the hoof is a factor, but horses have been able to function on hard surfaces since time immemorial, as long as the hoof was able to do it's job.

    Read up on the wild horse studies that have been puts an end to many myths from the past.

    Obviously, a horse that is not used to asphalt should be gradually introduced, and it won't hurt to find a farrier who is knowledgeable about the current information concerning hoof function.

  9. it depends on the laws in your area. I don't because its hard for a horse to gain traction while on the pavement. They can easly fall down

  10. I agree with Rosie...pavement is not a place for horses, too slick, unless you've had your farrier weld borium to the heels and toes on your doesn't stick up much at all to interfere with your horses movement.  

    I rode the pavement all the time as a kid, (you get smarter as you get older, wouldn't even consider it at all.) I think I jogged my horse from time to time on it but that was it.    It's hard on their feet and their joints.  

    Never rode my horse into town, but, we're living out west and we do have cowboys that will do that from time to time.  They'll tie up at a parking meter or telephone pole.  I don't recommend that but some horses, not all, are fine with it.  

    FYI there's a city in California, Norco, near Los Angeles, that was built up with the horse in mind.  The city has most of amenties for the horse crowd riding around and through it.

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