
Are huge gas and electricity price rises affecting all of Europe or just UK residents?

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Just wondering if it is only the UK where we have had massive price rises for residential customers and have been warned that we will be paying £1600 per year for electricity and gas in the home.




  1. Looks like you'll have to start cutting back then babe.

  2. they affect all of europe.

  3. I live in Portugal and we are paying the same for a litre of unleaded fuel as you are 1. 53  euros  and   wages here are very low so don´t think you are the only ones paying through the nose we all are all over Europe

    As for heating the home we only have calor gas in my village  no main gas  we can´t afford to put the heating on it´s so expensive  

    Prices in the supermarkets are going up daily

    Think I would be better off in the UK

  4. It makes you wonder doesnt it.  The latest price jump was announced by EDF ( a french company).  I wonder if that company are raising prices in their not.

  5. What I want to know is why are the 'green' tariffs going the price of wind increased !

    Believe prices in Europe are generally going up but not as much as here as we have minimal gas storage vs most Europe. France is mainly Nuclear....

    We are now depended on more gas from overseas as our own North sea supply is running down slowly.

  6. This is a world wide problem, not just the UK. It is worse in some countries then in others because in some countries the governments subsidize the cost of oil and gas. That practice also tends to drive up usage which makes the problem worse where there are no subsidies.

  7. We pay  more Tax on our bills though, ( VAT ) and thats to do with the British Government only,

    Our fuel at the pumps, is far higher than the rest of Europe because of the Tax the British Government puts on a litre of Petrol,

    The British are Taxed to Death,

  8. Nope the same in Ireland... i think they said that the ESB is adding 35% to our electricity bills

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