
Are human beings losing their connection to nature?

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Are human beings losing their connection to nature?




  1. While I must agree with Ask a Jedi to a certain point I personally think that we are becoming detached from evolution and nature because of our psychological manipulation which is steering us to believe in our own godlike immortality, and that we have a Divine right to alter our environment whether it is to the detriment of others or not. Simply consider the deforestation of PNG. or the Amazon basin, somewhere along the line some mortals have generated the belief that they have the Divine right to harvest these resources for their own personal benefit, and to h**l with the effect on the rest of the world. Indeed after considering several interviews with these people I am starting to believe that they have become so insular that they simply can not credit that there is a "rest of the world" apart from their personal wants and desires. At times I believe that their world is manipulated so that they have come to believe that they ARE God, and literally hold the lives of all their workers at their whim and fancy. Connection to nature? they believe that they ARE nature and nature should bow to them.

  2. Yes, but it's OK.  You see, humans were never meant to live in nature the way other animals are meant to.  This is why we evolved such a large brain - so we could have some AC already!

  3. Nope.  The only way we could lose our connection to nature is to become extinct.  

    We can not do anything that is not natural - it is biologically impossible to do so.  

    We are, however, less aware of our connection to nature than we should be, and in fact our cultures tend to reinforce our lack of awareness all the time.

  4. Yes,beef come from plastic packages,manicured lawns are everywhere,when we see a bug up close we recoil.If we're going somewhere its' frequently in an enclosed vehicle,if we're walking it is mostly on a hard flat surface;women wear heels all day long.We frequently speak to each other through electronic devices.We sit at computers for hours at a time completely involved in the activity on a flat screen.Most things are either done or made for us.We are awakened by alarm bells and put to sleep with tiny pills.

  5. Yes!  We are connected to TV and the internet now.  Nature has really taken a beating.

  6. yes...we use it,  reused it or  dump it we can remake it again in a lab or we are god.........

  7. Interesting question.  Can be argued either way.  But we are definitely destroying nature.

  8. Yes indeed. The classic example of that is that we have almost entirely lost our sense of smell.

  9. Yes, we really have shitted all over nature's fine face. We aren't so much 'losing out connection to nature' as much as we are cutting through it with chainsaws and ramming it down with bulldozers.

  10. Yes!

    We now have TV to predict the weather. We do not rely on observing the clouds, colour of sky, animals behavior and other signs in nature. We do not use our sense of smell to detect what is happening in the environment. we see nature on TV and do not interact with it

  11. No, it's impossible because humans are by definition part of nature. We may think we're above nature but everything in our body is connected to everything else in the universe and suffers the fate of all the rest of nature. We are subject to natural laws because we are simply life.

  12. From the moment us humans got together through language (written and spoken) we organized ourselves in a different manner than that of other species.

    Our survival started to depend in how we could take from the environment to find comfort. This means that as we have evolved we have learned more to "adjust" the environment to us more than adjusting OURSELVES  to the environment.

    The rest of species that share the planet with us have, throughout their evolutions, adapted to the environment. Thus as a species of this earth our evolution is leading us further and further away from natural adaptation. Our evolution simply follows a different paradigm. And although we are scientifically more advanced to handle with nature, biologically we are groing weaker and weaker with each generation.

    We need to learn from nature and start learning to live in it without further dramatic changes on it or we wont survive. It's just a new paradigm, living a sustentable life IS possible and we have to ALL get really CREATIVE FAST!

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