
Are human beings the only species where the female is LESS aggressive than the male?

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It seems that in nearly every other species of animal it's the female that's not only the mother but the hunter and provider as well.. Why are humans the only species where the men are the hunters? Are there other animals like this? Did it all boil down to a decision made a long time ago that just stuck all the way til now? You're not telling me a pregnant woman couldn't spear a gazelle if she wanted to..




  1. The female human is less aggressive than the male?

    In what world is that true?

  2. The human male may be more aggressive it stealing your wallet or murdering someone.  But don't ever mess with a mothers baby when she is near.  You will find the most vicious of our species.  The same is true for other species.  You need to define the circumstances to determine aggression. Hunting behavior is more likely based on who is available to go out to pursue game.  During pregnancy and with young babies it is more efficient for the males to hunt, but the females must be available to defend the home.  Hunting is not just a matter of throwing a spear, you need to search for an animal and usually chase it down to get close enough to throw the spear.

  3. No, males are more aggressive than females in most species. Aggression is linked to testosterone, the male hormone, which is naturally present in much greater quantities in males. The main reason for this is that in most species, it is the males that compete to mate with the females - males must therefore be larger, stronger and more aggressive.

    One notable exception is spotted hyenas, in which females are larger than males and dominate them in all aspects - even the lowest-ranked female outranks the highest-ranked male. Females have high levels of testosterone and have genitals that closely resemble those of males - they were once thought to be hermaphrodites.

    As to hunting, in most predatory species both sexes hunt. Females end up hunting for their young because, in most cases, the male plays no part in raising them - he leaves after mating with the female. Of course in some species, such as wolves and African wild dogs, parental duties are shared and all members of the group help feed the young. Even in lions, a species in which it is well-known that the female is the main hunter, males do hunt. Whilst it's true that females do the majority of the hunting for the pride, males will join in, particularly when hunting large prey such as buffalo. Also, young males who have left their birth pride but not yet taken over one of their own have no choice but to hunt for themselves. The main reason lionesses do most of the hunting is that males, having large manes, are more obvious to prey, and their main role in the pride is to protect it from invading males - they must save their strength for fighting.

  4. you havn't met my wife obviously

  5. There is one species of duck in which the female is more colourful then the male. It is also the females that fight for mating rights, and not the males.  

  6. Just for your info: In the Diptera family-Flies, the female Mosquito, Horse/Stock Fly and several others, she bites and eats a blood meal. The males of the species gently drink nectar and pollinate many flower species.

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