
Are human intestinal cells alive or dead? why?

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Are human intestinal cells alive or dead? why?




  1. both

  2. Both! Some cells are dead while others are alive. Cells have a lifespan and need to be replaced when they die. I don't know what the body does with the dead cells, but I am changing my major and should soon find out. I don't think the body does much with the dead cells because dead skin cells just fall off, while it is not much the body can do with the dead cells because it is not like they get absorbed into the blood stream and then get eliminated through extretion. Well, anyway, I'll soon find out.

  3. Intestinal cells are alive, and it is important that they are.  Of course these cells have a lifespan, but new cells are constantly being formed to replace old cells maintaining a constant confluency.  There will not be dead spots of cells.

    These cells must be alive (there are more than one type of cell in the intestines).  These will secrete mucus to coat the intestine, and in the small intestine, these cells must be alive to absorb the nutrients that you have eaten.  There are also enzymes produced by these cells necessary for digestion both in and on the exterior of the cells.

  4. If you are talking about cillia then they are alive. Cillia are hair-like fingers sticking out into the intestine. They move in a wave type manner which assists food to move along through the intestine. They also absorb the food as it breaks down along the way.

  5. yes if that person is alive im sure it will be too.  

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