
Are humans causing global warming on Earth,Mars,Jupiter,Triton and Pluto?

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  1. Not all humans are causing this. George Bush is doing it all by himself so he can steal oil from Iraq.

  2. Scientists KNOW that, on Earth, it's not the Sun.  Because we measure the Sun.

    "Recent oppositely directed trends in solar

    climate forcings and the global mean surface

    air temperature", Lockwood and Frolich (2007), Proc. R. Soc. A


    News article at:

    A few planets are warming, most are not.  We know the reasons on Earth (mostly man made greenhouse gases), we have some good possibilities for Mars, on the others we just don't know.

  3. They say humans are responsible for global warming.  I guess that means everywhere.

    I think they forgot about the sun....

  4. I posted the same kind of question 3 days ago, pls check it out

           "Why is that other planets within our Solar System are also experiencing Climate Changes? is it man made too?"

    The answers I got can be rounded (in a nutshell) as:

    -On Earth: it's man-made Global Warming & even a cooling trend (or anything else) is related to GW.


    -In the Solar System: "Not related, so stop wondering!"  and also I got "we cannot relate Climate changes in different planets unless they all get warmer"

    yeah right,

    glad you asked it again, cuz I didn't get much info from my question...

  5. As to planets and moons other than Earth, AGW on them is Not based on any science I know? i don't think life exists on the celetial bodies you mentioned!

  6. How can we?  We have never been to those planets and those moons?   More scare tactics it appears

  7. I don't know where they got that Pluto warming thing. I have read the Pluto is cooling and in a few decades its thin atmosphere will freeze out completely onto the surface. That is because Pluto has a very eccentric orbit, and until recently it was at perihelion, actually closer to the Sun than Neptune. Now it is farther from the Sun than Neptune and moving farther all the time. No way it is warming.

    I have heard about Mars warming. Of course Mars was thought to be MUCH warmer in the distant past. There are various theories as to why Mars is warming, but the Sun getting hotter is not one of them. The output of the Sun is being measured by satellite now much more accurately than it can be measured from the ground, and it isn't getting warmer.

    And I have not heard about any other warmings, but there may be some. And coolings too. But of course nobody spends hours and day searching for references to cooling so that never gets posted here. Because that wouldn't be a good argument for solar system warming causing Earth's global warming.

    And lastly, I notice 2 of those links are not scientific web sites. They are hardly better than the National Enquirer.

  8. No. The problem is that these societies have not created a good public transportation system. Have you ever tried catching a city bus on Mars. It is impoosible. So instead of askin Yahoo answers I suggest you write the Mars Council on Alien Affairs their address is

    2343 Plant Way

    City of Green



  9. I dont think that humans are the cause of global warming on mars,jupiter,triton and pluto. But I do think that humans are the cause of global warming on earth, and I also think that us humans should try more to proctect our planet, becuase this is were we live and if we dont take good care of it we are going to kill it, and if we kill it we are killing ourselves.

  10. Yes, No, No, No, No

    Orbital changes, called Milankovitch cycles, are likely the cause of any climate change seen on Mars.[1] The Milankovitch cycles are also likely responsible for the beginning of ice ages and interglacial periods here on Earth as well.

    There is no evidence that Jupiter is experiencing "global warming". What there is, are evidence of warm spots on Jupiter, or rising storms. This is as likely to be local events as to be a global event. Also, Jupiter produces its own internal heat which affects climate more than any forcing from the sun. Climate on Jupiter is poorly understood, but this should not be used to deny climate change on Earth.[2]

    Triton is approaching its extreme southern summer. It does this every few hundred years. This vaporizes surface nitrogen, which increase atmospheric pressure. It is increased atmospheric pressure that is warming Triton.[3]

    Pluto reached perihelion, the closest point in its elliptical orbit to the Sun in 1989, and is now moving further way.[2]

    I know that you selected these planets because there is disinformation flying around the blogosphere. The argument goes something like this: Because Mars, Jupiter, Triton and Pluto are also warming, then the sun must be responsible. So not only does this argument ignore what the science says, it’s cherry picking planets. What is happening to Mercury, Venus, Saturn, and Uranus? If Triton is included, what about the 100's of similar-sized objects in our solar system.

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