
Are humans just an experiment of some more intelligent race?

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Are we just a mere experiment that has gone wrong and descended into self destruction? You gotta consider this.... why are we by far the most intelligent creature on earth? is there a hidden secret to the reason we are so much more intelligent than any animal? did an alien race mix the ape (our biological ancestor) with something of their own technology to create the human? why for thousands of years were we so primitive and slow to invent new ideas and technology yet now we are creating new ideas too fast for us to control it? why are we the only beings capable of potentially destroying this earth?




  1. No but certian countries are heading that way

  2. great questions, especially the idea that we're too far ahead of the other species on earth. i think it's a real possibility, an advanced interstellar race conducting studies on how life evolves and blossoms by planting bacteria on various planets and seeing what happens.

    i think star trek covered something on this, how 3 dominant species all originated on the same planet whose inhabitants decided to colonize elsewhere.

    i'm writing a book about something similar to this, about how this peaceful but super-advanced original planet inserts life into different planets and observes them like gods. earth is a test of what a planet will do unchecked. seeing a question like this makes me both excited and a little intimidated :)

  3. omg i never thought about that but it seems possible i am also a fellow conspiracy theorist lol

  4. maybe...

  5. Read the book "Answers"

    It talks about this kind of stuff, but it adds a spiritual kick to it.  It's pretty good and "answers" a few questions!  Hehe.

  6. obviously you don't believe in any sort of religion.  so here is the scientific explanation.  thousands upon thousands of years ago our ancestors started to eat fish and bugs, while other "primates" were eating fruit, grain, and small animals.  the difference is that fish and bugs have a higher protein content and are a more balanced source of essential amino acids.  this allowed our bodies to develop other areas to greater size.  yes our brains were able to develop, because our bodies were getting the proteins we needed, which left an abundance of carbs and fats, that are required for brain development.  it is called evolution and even scientists believe in it. However, if you are willing to consider the more intelligent race God than yes, we were created by God.

  7. Why a more intelligent race? We invented the computer because we're kinda slow at math and tend to make mistakes--maybe a less intelligent race gave rise to us to because they weren't smart enough to invent computers themselves.

  8. Very interesting idea. Never thought about it that way.

  9. The Answer My Friend

    Is Blowing In The Wind...............

  10. OH no He's on to us!

  11. If you really consider it we are no more than some growth in a mold.  How we have been directed to do what we do somewhat is the same way we direct bacteria in a mold to perform certain tasks.  Such as the bacteria we use to clean up drains or maintain a certain homeostasis in our oil tanks and think about the bacteria we use called penicillin.  Are we as a mass any different than bacteria except on a little larger scale?

  12. Why ask us, you are gonna believe what you wanna believe anyways!!!!

    Don't tell us what you believe then ask if we think you are right....

    You are just gonna believe what you want to anyways!!!!!

  13. Maybe we are the video game PC Sims. Weird, Huh?

    I want a refund!

    So far, no alien has shown up at my front door with the delete button.

  14. Nah, a more intelligent race wouldn't have to start over like this, they'd send their own.  We're not the only beings capable of destroying earth - viruses, plague, etc could do that easily enough - but we're the only beings that know it's happening.

  15. And the mouse takes a giant leap to self realization.

  16. It may seem that way sometimes, but read the Bible and it will explain.

  17. very VERY intersting question. Well i belevive that God created us. I don't belive in the ''Big Bang Theory'' where there was a big bang in outer space and we all came to be. we werent invented by scientists err anything.

  18. :0 you just blew my mine.  I think Earth is a big reality show.

  19. Im catholic, so all I can say is that god made us.


  20. Whales, Dolphins, & Dogs are also highly intelligent.

    Perhaps the higher intelligences were what we call angels.

  21. Yes we are just a social engineering experiment of the Democrats making.

  22. probadly we are not as inteligent as we thought....!

  23. if you believe in god then we are his experiment. we are intelligent enough to render this rock  uninhabitable for ourselves.

    after were gone however the earth will renew itself as it always has . we do  not  hold the power of planetary destruction nor are we ever likely to. breaking a planetary body this size would take a force like that of our moon slamming into it  head on

  24. we live in the Matrix

  25. No.  It is more that people are more primitive than they think.

    We are 'designed' or 'evolved' (whatever you believe) to live in nature and struggle for our existence.  We are not designed/evolved to live in cities and houses and drive cars and shop in grocery stores, etc.

    If you raised a child in nature, where it had to defend itself and live for itself, you would probably be surprised how 'intelligent' it was.

  26. Read: Double Helix - Nancy Werlin

    Point Blank - Anthony Horowitz, that should tell you

  27. i have actually thought about this conspet. except my therory is we're an expirement in some creaturs lap..well...more exactly..the whole universe is. they are constantly studying us, and we're very unaware of it. they watch our progress, and take notes showing our evolution

  28. I think so and good question :)

  29. humans adapted over millions of years of evolution to become what we are today.  I just learned about evolution about a month ago, ha!!  i think we evolved from apes or something of that sort and 50 million years later, here we are!  i like your theory a ton though, we should talk.  it sounds wicked cool.  I agree with the experiment but you gotta consider Adam and Eve, right?  I think your theory is possible.  I'm really interested in this stuff and my friends think I'm screwed up becuase I think it's cool, but you agree right otherwise you wouldn't be asking this question.  Hope this helps..<3.  Btw, how did you think of this?

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