
Are humans live with dinosours ever?

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Are humans live with dinosours ever?




  1. Yes, humans and dinosaurs lived at the same time, in fact dinosaurs are still alive today, although sightings are EXTREMELY rare.

  2. Nope, unless you really want to torture syntax.  A T. Rex's closest living relative is probably the chicken, but no one calls hens "dinosaurs".  What we normally think of as dinosaurs died out about 65 million years ago.  The very earliest primates lived about 60 million years ago.  They wouldn't have looked much like us or even the chimps and bonobos, our closest cousins.  They would've looked more like rodents.  It took until about 200,000 years ago for us to finally get here.

    There are still animals now that lived at the time of the dinosaurs.  Coelacanths, for instance, have been around for about 410 million years.  They're fish, though, not proper dinosaurs.  Crocodilians have been around 84 million years and are closely related to dinosaurs, but they aren't dinosaurs themselves.

  3. If I understand your question, then No, humans & dinosaurs did not live at the same time. Humans came along millions of years after the dinosaurs were wiped out.

  4. Yes they lived at the same time.  They have been found near each other in archaeological digs, and it would explain the legends of dinosaurs in the old fairy tales.  Most stories like that have some truth but are serious exaggerations.  Most likely the dragons from mythical stories were simply dinosaurs that have been greatly over exaggerated.  I'm not sure why evolutionists are so insistent that they never lived at the same time and their opinion that they didn't live together proves evolution.  Dinosaurs were fairly complex creatures and would be many generations of evolution away from amoeba meaning they should have been well into the evolutionary process and around the same time as us.

  5. Employing standard grammar and syntax would help people understand what the heck you are trying to ask.

  6. This is like asking if I and George Washington lived at the same time.

    No, but few of my my great-great-great-great grandfathers/mothers and George Washington lived at the same time.

  7. I think he is trying to ask if humans and dinosaurs ever existed together; and, the answer is: NO.  No way.  Humans didn't come along until millions of years after dinosaurs were extinct.

  8. Yes, if you consider birds dinosaurs. It is now widely accepted that birds are decendents of dinosaurs. And many people have parrots as pets.  : )

  9. Yes i have my grandmother.

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