
Are humans the only mammals with belly buttons?

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How do other mammals survive without belly buttons and if they do have them how come they can't be seen?




  1. No.  All mammals, except marsupials, have them.  It is where the placenta attaches to the fetus.  They can be seen on some easily.  Others they are covered with fur.  You just need to look closer.

  2. No, humans are not the only mammals that have belly buttons. I'm pretty sure everything that wasn't hatched out of an egg has a belly button. :]

  3. All mammals have belly buttons. Only humans pierce them.

  4. no because when the are born they don't have doctors who cut the cord and tie it in a knot. theirs just break off and some dont even have any

  5. I believe you, or someone, already asked this question.

    All Mammals, giving "placental" birth, will have belly buttons.  This is the mark left by the connection of the umbilical cord which was attached to the placenta of the mother.  The "belly button" may be less visible in some mammals than others, but they all have one.

    In humans, the Umbilical Cord is cut and tied.  In animals it either falls off or is chewed off.  Either way, it leaves a belly button.

    In my book, women have the most beautiful belly buttons, especially if they're "innies".

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