
Are humans the only species divided into races and ethnicity?

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The only species I now that are divided into what I call races are the elephants. If you look closely at the difference between African and Asian elephants, you'll know what I mean




  1. Human races and ethnicities are cultural constructions and do not exist in biology. No species can be divided biologically below the category of species except through cultural constructions. As far as I know, humans are the only animal with culture so the only ones with races and ethnicities.

  2. Who does the dividing?  I believe that humans are the only ones that make such a big deal about it.  Differences happen all the time...whether they are racial, sexual, height, weight, intellect, eye color, whatever, they all mean nothing in the long run.

    However as long as one weak person feels the need to "raise" themselves by declaring themselves and a "select" group of "Us" superior to some other "Them" class by reason of some minor detail, then humans will be "divided".  

    The sad thing is how so many people fall into this, either by siding with the "Us", or by acknowledging the classification as being valid to begin with.

  3. Apes have different ethnicities i think   monkeys chimps gorillas baboons etc,

  4. animals - there are different breeds, ie, dogs, elephants, cats, sharks, birds. the different breeds all have a different temperant.

    humans - there are different breeds, ie, whites, blacks, asian, africans, pygmies etc.

    animals and humans are species on planet earth.  why do some people insist on saying all humans are equal, when they would argue blue with you that a rottweiler is different to a corgi!! they are!! but their both dogs arnt they??!!

    so there you go, humans are not the only species divided into races and ethnicity.

    all species have to be divided into their own race, because thats what they are, including humans.

  5. I would say that whatever animal you are you will find a reason to divide yourself from your own kind. There is always a class system.

  6. There are different breeds of dogs and cats and horses, and probably all the other animals we don't encounter as pets.  Is that what you mean, or do you mean the social order which we perceive that leads us into racism?

  7. of course!!!!

    excuse me but I am Italian...

    Humans are the most stupid species!!! =)=) kiss

  8. We're the only ones divided into races and ethnicities, yes, but most animals have variations within their species--the groups just aren't called ethnicities.

  9. Most animals are territorial and therefore could be said to divide because of who they are or where they originate from.

  10. Depicitating that you were including apes?

    No, Monkeys Orangutans, Chimps ETC.

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