
Are hydrogen fuel cells worth the investment?

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Are hydrogen fuel cells worth the investment?




  1. I think it would be to your advantage to wait for a few years to see which of the multiple technologies is going to be recognized standard in the public arena.  I guess I am thinking to move on one of the alternative fuel source now is akin to buy a "white elephant" house.

  2. I'd say if you lived in an area with one of the fueling stations and never had to drive anywhere.  But since it's mainly in Southern California, right now I don't think the benefits are going to be that great...I mean, how can you really test the MPG's when you're sort of limited to one area?  It's going to pick up has to.

  3. Not at present . NASA is the only ones that can afford  the technology.

  4. It's hard to say at this point, because right now electric cars are inherently more efficient than hydrogen cars.  However, if we can find a cheap and efficient way to extract hydrogen from water, it's possible that hydrogen fuel cells could become a viable option, and it would be good to diversify our transportation energy sources (instead of relying mainly on electrical energy).

    So I would say it's worth researching, but right now more focus should go into electric vehicles.  See the link below for further details.

  5. That's sad.  We can just keep "waiting a few years" forever.

    Thing is, it isn't going to be any one technology in the end, it'll be a bunch of them.  For instance people are already using ethanol, biodiesel, electric and transit. I can certainly relate to being afraid to buy into the "wrong" technology, but again, fear just keeps you where you are.  If that's where you want to be, then good luck with that.

    I personally don't think hydrogen is any good as a technology, because there are other more established technologies that accomplish the same thing better.

  6. ya it is,denoting now they  are working to take that O2 from water and as  they mention ,that kit is found now

  7. yes!

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