
Are iguanas allergic to cigarette smoke?

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i am about to adopt a green iguana if i can get enough info about how to care for it. my major concern is if they are sensitive to cigarette smoke. she would be in a smoking environment, but it would never be done directly around it. any info would be helpful.




  1. i don't think they are allergic to it. but i don't think the second hand smoke is really going go over well with an exotic vet if he ever saw it....smoke is very hard on iguanas.

    you could try keeping him in a room where no smoking is allowed....and add an air purifier to that room to keep it as fresh as possible. he needs oxygen and carbon monoxide will rob him of that.

    or you can tell everyone to smoke outside from now on because the iggy will get sick from can but you don't have to.

    not sure if that is possible to do at all......just ideas is all.

    that is all i can think of hun.

    best wishes.

  2. my boyfriend has a green iguana, well.... he had 2 but the baby died because of malnutrition... well his 3-4 foot ig that he has is perfectly o.k. cuz his mom is a CHAIN SMOKER and his ig seems fine just keep it in another room without blowing smoke in its face 24/7 it will be fine

  3. We, all living things, are all allergic to cigarette smoke.  It is a poison.

  4. Well prob not but it is not healthy for it to be in smoke all day everyday  just like its not healthy for anyone

  5. why get one if you're just going to polute its lungs?

  6. Second Hand Smoke is Toxic no matter what kind of Creature it is. No, its toxic and it can hurt it. Do you see those comercials that say "Second Hand Smoke is Toxic"? Get a fish and a bubble blower thing.

  7. I know smoking repels dogs...but smoking is just bad for everyone's health. Iguanas have tinier lungs, and it could have a shorter life.

  8. uhmmm......


    I don't think so.

    go to the


  9. Umm I can imagine cigarette smoke isn't good for any living thing.

  10. if you want to kill that iguanna go rite ahead by adopting it and bringing it into that kind of environment your only killing it faster so spare a life and find another pet please

  11. Reptile's lungs/respiratory systems are extremely sensitive.  Respiratory infections can happen very quickly if air quality and humidity levels are poor.  I would make sure to keep all smoke far away from your iguana.  Keep the room it is in isolated from wherever it is you smoke, or start to smoke outside.  Cigarette smoke is terrible for our lungs, its even worse for reptiles.

  12. People have become such scaredy cats about smoking. When did you ever hear of a pet getting lung cancer, or otherwise dying of the effects of second-hand smoke? Take my word for it, if pets had been particularly sensitive to this sort of thing they would not have survived the smoke-filled houses of the 20th century!

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