
Are illegal aliens ruining or running your life

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Are illegal aliens ruining or running your life




  1. A friend of mine was killed by an illegal driving a car with no

    insurance but according to Dios there, that's giving us a taste

    of our own medicine.  I'll keep protesting against illegals as

    long as I can.

  2. Illegal aliens do nothing directly to me; however, indirectly they have done too much to the United States. As they come to the US, they create the same problems they fled from in their countries.

    They make more in the US than their country? After they arrive here and accept money, under the table and unreported to the government, they make US wages decrease due to less demand for citizens as workers. If not for them, we would pay more for our goods, however more citizens would be working and they would make more money.

    They often have smugglers/dealers in their midst, so the crime rate they left has followed them here. They have greater challenges in the US, because anyone who knows of their illegal status is a threat to them.

    So to me, it is not a question of if they run or ruin my life, but if they are ruining or running their own.

  3. No  

  4. Illegal aliens are effecting every citizens life whether you realize it or not. Higher taxes to cover their cost of healthcare, education, welfare benefits (for their anchor babies) incarceration and housing. the list is long.

    how much more money would you have in your pocket  if the billions of dollars paid out for illegals was stopped? think about it.

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