
Are illegal immigrant crime statistics accurate?

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"So, looking at real statistics, the percentage of illegals guilty of sexual crimes is probably not particularly different from the percentage of non-illegals guilty of sexual crimes. And neither percentage says much of anything about the number of guilty individuals in the population as a whole.

In summary, Dr. Schurman-Kauflin is nothing but another two-bit racist who's trying to trick people using bad math".




  1. Accurate as can be when there are so many illegals unaccounted for. What is obvious, is if they weren't here illegally, then there wouldn't be any crimes committed on U.S. soil by illegals. Crime will happen, but when it is caused by someone that should not even be here, it makes it that much worse.

  2. Look at what they are called! ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT as far as I am concerned their crime status is 100% from the get go.

  3. greasytony I get a kick out of you! You have used some of the worst math imaginable to try to show your pro-immigration viewpoint but now you complain about someone else using it? Shouldn't that be: In summary, greasytony and Dr. Schurman-Kauflin are nothing but another pair of two-bit racists who are trying to trick people using bad math".

    Either that or only giving facts that look good to you! One of my favorites is "Illegal aliens pay taxes" which I admit is true but you fail to say that for every $1.00 paid they use $17,000.00 in services.

    By the way 17% (i am using the low number the high being 20%) of prisoners in federal prison (not including immigration violations) are illegal aliens. Now less than 4% of the population are illegal immigrants (using YOUR figures) can you explain why there are 17% in prison?

    See what I mean: You are using FBI crime statistics where Hispanic (not a race officially) is listed in either white or black!

    I already told you which races are used last time! Use the department of justice figures! They list hispanics as having the highest crime rate of any group.

  4. That is actually some really interesting stuff right there!

    Its funny how people can twist statistics, so they can use them in their favor.

  5. The ONLY jurisdiction that takes complete immigration information on arrested individuals is Sheriff Joe in Phoenix.  So far (I heard him in an interview about 2 months ago) he stated that 25% of the people arrested (for other crimes then immigration) are illegal aliens.

    Since that is a fact, and we have no other good data, there are a large number of illegals committing crimes that are never attributable to that demographic.

    I am sure that there are areas where illegals commit very few crimes.  However I am also sure that there are areas where illegals commit a higher percentage of the crimes committed.

    The crux of this issue is that EVERY crime committed by an illegal is easily preventable.  So EVERY victim of those crimes is needlessly harmed.

    Anyone who defends criminal illegals needs a morality check!

  6. You're right - we can only guess.  But I can tell you the percentage of crimes by illegals that would not happen on US soil if the illegals weren't here.

  7. the numbers are out there for anyone to see , yet there is many statistics such as the one million number which i seen so many times being used by anti-immigrants which use them as facts with out even caring about their complete lack of logic . having said so i would like to explain than crime will always happen and than yes there is bad immigrants out there which do not deserve to be in the USA or even in the streets . however there is a very simple fact which is than most undocumented are not the kind of people who murder or who do not work but take someone else's money . so because of that saying than we could prevent any deaths by removing every undocumented who never committed any offense other than being illegally in the USA is just completely wrong and mistaken . anyways since i did said than the numbers are out there for anyone to see i would like to post them here :

    Criminal offense: s*x offense;

    Total offenses: Number: 11,833;

    Total offenses: Percent: 2%;

    Offenses for illegal aliens in federal prisons: Number: 2,501;

    Offenses for illegal aliens in federal prisons: Percent: 1%;

    Offenses for illegal aliens in state prisons and local jails: Number:


    Offenses for illegal aliens in state prisons and local jails: Percent:


    Criminal offense: Homicide;

    Total offenses: Number: 5,992;

    Total offenses: Percent: 1%;

    Offenses for illegal aliens in federal prisons: Number: 1,156;

    Offenses for illegal aliens in federal prisons: Percent: <1%;

    Offenses for illegal aliens in state prisons and local jails: Number:


    Offenses for illegal aliens in state prisons and local jails: Percent:


  8. Considering that the exact number of illegal immigrants is unknown, and the exact number or rapes is unknown, things get hazy. Then add the large percent of crimes with unknown assailants that can't be blamed on legal or illegal citizens. Anyone that provides numbers is guessing semi-wildly

    **Someone else said 30% of federal inmates are illegals. This is a lie. 17% of federal inmates are illegal, but this isn't 17% of Federal inmates convicted of felonies. This 17% is felons plus people in the custody of the immigration department for overstaying work visas or being here illegally. Again, this 17% are not all convicted felons. Do not believe the **** people make up.

  9. whatever the statistics, there biased on numbers.  there biased on the people that have been caught, and the number of people.  No, they are not accurate, because they don't know how many illegal immigrants are here, its not like they wanna be counted by the census, and give themselves up.


  10. Probubly. Particularly. Neither percenatge says much of anything ...etc.

    Sounds to me like someone is trying to make it OK to be here illegally.

    You dispute the facts OTHERS provide but offer non of your own that ARE correct.

    Many of us can only regurgitate what we read here, there and everywhere else. If we had some source or evidence of truth that would be helpful.

    Until a Pro illegal comes up with a source of better facts, its hard for me to take them seriously in their critisiam of my/other anti immigrants' opinions.

    Give us some different numbers to work with and a better source and we can talk.

  11. The statistics ppl put on here sometimes takes illegals as a whole and makes it sound like certain illegals is guilty of all the crimes. Like when they say we got 13 million illegals. That means ALL illegals not just 1 kind. So I believe no the statistics aren't right in a way coz they blame 1 kind for alot of things that they aren't guilty of. But some ppl fall for the lies and the bad math. I guess it depends on how ppl want to look at something coz if they don't got a open mind they get gullible to lies but think their smart. When really their DUMB for falling for lies. And I don't care if SOMEbody makes fun of my spelling or English coz I at least say something that's not cut and paste and the same stupid line everyday for thumbups.

  12. are you illegal greasy?

    La Migra ya viene. Que pueda correr mas rapido que los otros

  13. No,I'm sure they commit a much higher amount of crime than we're aware of or is made public. I can't turn on the news without seeing yet another story about an illegal who has committed a violent crime.

  14. Not all statistics report citizenship of the person committing the crime, either because citizenship just is not reported, or because the person(s) committing the crime have not been caught yet.  So any statistics reporting crime by illegal aliens underreports the true incidence!

    Over 30% of the convicted felons in federal prisons are known to be illegal aliens.  If 10% of the population (i.e. 30 million people) are illegal aliens, then illegals are >3 times more likely to end up convicted criminals in federal prison than the rest of the population.

    The blogger's math is not to be relied upon.

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