
Are illegal workers flown back home for free when they are caught ? Or do they have to pay the fare ?

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Are illegal workers flown back home for free when they are caught ? Or do they have to pay the fare ?




  1. When you are a criminal do you pay for your crime?

    You get sent to jail and we tax payers pay for it?

    Free?, not if they can help it, but mostly we pay.

    If they can bus them the do if not they fly.

  2. Depends upon which country they are in when caught. In some countries they are jailed untill they or someone pays for the illegals return fare.  I know of some illegals languishing in Arabian jails for years on end.

    I think that is how it should be, or untill the cost of jailing them becomes more than the cost of deporting them if they can not afford the fare themselves.

  3. They are probably flown back home for free. Otherwise they wouldn't be so quick to cross the border again.

  4. I don't think they are flown back home.

  5. I'm assuming you're referring to Mexican illegals.  Generally, after they're arrested they're escorted by a U.S. Marshall on a bus to the nearest border crossing and delivered back to Mexico.  However, if they are from Asia or South American, etc. they are put on an airplane and sent home.  They don't have to pay the fare the U.S. government (taxpayers) pick up the tab on this.

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