
Are immigrants into Britain more trouble than they're worth?

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Are immigrants into Britain more trouble than they're worth? Diehard polcorists and their mediocre political cronies will of course throw a fit to see this question being asked. But it needs to be asked, and it needs to be asked in an atmosphere free from political correctness.

First, many immigrants bring in diseases from their home countries. They re-introduce into this country diseases which had long since been eradicated here.

Second, they often bring in deadly weaponry like guns and knives and a culture of gangsterism and aggressiveness which is quite alien to us.

I would suggest that potential immigrants be given thorough health checks (at their own expense) and thoroughly vetted for criminal leanings.




  1. There are immigrants all over the world.  People who are in a country that they were not born in.  

    To get into another country they have to have a passport.  They check their luguage in and out for stuff that is illegal.  There have been passengers who have tried to get  in a foreign country who were feverish and ill going through customs.  It has been on the news.  But, I don't think they check everyone to see if they have anything wrong with them.   They run their luguage through a machine to check for metal objects.

    Why don't you make your suggestions to someone who can do something about them?  People on Yahoo can only agree or disagree with you.

  2. you're right about the second point but i'm not sure about the first. i thought they already did health checks. I'm ******* annoyed with the government for letting them in though.

  3. Right back at you! There are more poms here in Australia than in England itself! Want your cake and eat it too?

    Australia has gradually deteriorated since the beginning of immigration laws post-war.... It's a fact of life! It's all about the economy.

    P.S. Why is this question posted in G&WS??

  4. Those are some pretty ridiculous reasons. Health, weapons, gangsterism?

    Let's be serious here. The real problem people have with immigrants is that they bring some of their culture with them. Many don't want to assimilate into the established culture and would rather live like they did back in their home country. When enough people immigrate to a country, its culture starts to change. It's that culture shift that people don't like. People are often criticized and called racists for opposing immigration for this reason, but it is a perfectly valid and understandable complaint.

    Health and criminal concerns are just excuses.

  5. yes anything foreign or different is bad and scary we all know the fear that grips us when we first see someone who dresses different and speaks with an accent.

  6. They are by far more trouble than they are worth. They come here for an easy life and unless they have a job to prove it, can say no other.Many people will disagree with this and even I have to admit that some of them are usefull in society.....but most are not.

  7. So only people who are healthy, well behaved, fit into your culture and have the means to pay for a health check should have the right to stay? The rest should be sent back, even if it means certain (or probable) death for them?

    "Second, they often bring in deadly weaponry like guns and knives"

    That's a good reason to improve your customs, but why would you want to keep the people out because of that? Assuming it's true?

    Also, do your suggestions apply to immigrants from *all* countries? I'm pretty sure my Swedish friend who works in the UK didn't bring in any alien gangsterism or aggressiveness.

  8. Soul jacker: but look at the cultural implications this has had on Ireland. 1 in 4 people in Rep. Ireland, were not even born there. In Dublin, it's closer to a third. Soon it will be half? Will Ireland exist as anything other than a geographic description when the Irish are outnumbered in their own land?

    EDIT Soul Jacker: what has that to do with what I said i.e. "People born in Ireland". Everyone knows that, until recently, Ireland had some of the most lax citizenship laws in the western world. Irish passports were pretty much freely available to anyone who wanted one. This reports says 14% (i.e. one of the highest rates in the EU) but this was 3 years ago. And these are only official figures - no mention of illegals.

  9. There's plenty of crime and violence in the UK amongst native-born citizens, too...

  10. The media does so much to exaggerate the negative side of immigration in Britain.

    I'd just like to post a question posted about how immigrants were 'destroying' Ireland.;...

    Spot the difference.  (As far as I can see it's all in the Media).

    By the way when the accession states (Poland Latvia, Lithuania Malta etc) joined the EU  the Republic of Ireland was the only country in the EU to fully open up our boarders.  During this period Ireland's economy grew to the second richest (per capita) in the EU, richer than the UK and definitely much richer then the US.


    David G, 1 in 4 people in the ROI wern't born here??  that is utter shite.  Do you have any links to back up what you say?

    It less thank 10% and the biggest group of non nationals in Ireland are from the UK

    Census Report 2006

  11. Worst of all they claim benefits for themselves and their families who may not even live here. It's not their fault, it's the government's fault for giving it to them.

  12. Yes need I say more.


    To those who don't friggin understand the question!

    As far as your question goes, even if only 10% of your immigrants are like this, England's reputation is in the toilet!

    Many of their people are emmigrating here in the Philippines and other parts of the world to get away from it and the same thing is being experienced in the States too.

    Immigration laws are too lax and cults of all kinds which display violence should be banned, or at least watched closely and limited as to how far they can go.

    I say bundle up the whole bunch of the trouble makers and deport their Butts back to the c**p hole they left to begin with!

  14. how about not even let them into Britain sounds even better to me

  15. Everyone should be vetted. Everyone entering should have a job and pay into the system like the rest of us.

    They should have health checks too.

    If the above was adhered to then perhaps the knives and guns would automatically become a rare thing.

  16. PC? What absolute tosh...and isn't astounding to be dismissed as a mediocre intellect if one stands against blatant racism and xenophobia!

    This may have seemed like a cute inflammatory question to  ask to get folks going but really it's unfunny, spurious bigoted garbage.

  17. YES it's not racist or un PC but there is no benefit from having immigrants here. We are already run and have a problem with employment, schools, prisions, hospitals not having enough room so having even more is just stupid.

    Also again, not racist at all but pretty much all of the gun/knife crime is black or asian. If you can't live in our decent society then go back to your own country.

  18. As an American, it's interesting to read that immigration appears to be a big problem in the U.K. also.  I cannot believe that U.K. government and law enforcement officials there are not doing more to control the spread of radical Islam. Your government needs to stop allowing those nut cases into your country.

  19. I don't know about England, but in the states, they DO do a criminal background check and sometimes ask for a physical in order to get a VISA.  It depends on the country of origin.

    I think that they should (an maybe they do) adjust the rate of work Visas to match the unemployment rate.  If there is high unemployment, there is no reason to give out work VISAs, unless you are a movie star or a star athlete.

  20. It depends what they come for

    To work, learn, better standard of living - then its fine coz they give back

    Or just come and not bother to do much, like not bother to learn the language and totally depend on benefits - then ok its not on coz if we did 2 theirs they wouldn't have it.

    Lots of controversialness gonna happen!

  21. But where is your evidence about these things?  I am not at all PC, because I think PC is c**p.  But even so ...

  22. They can create many problems and put pressure on scarce resources.

  23. wher is your evidence for any of these claims?

    You blame immigrants for all the social problems in the UK, how absurd is this?

    You understand very little about immigration and how those applying to come to the UK have to be given health screening, including a chest x-ray on arrival. fingerprinting and retinal eye scanning is also used.

    Known  criminals do not get into the UK legally.

    Gun and knife crime has been part of UK culture for a century, your distorting or confusing recent crime events (fatal stabbings in London) The majority of immigrant families I have met are hard working, law abiding and seek a better life, why else would anyone live in some parts of the UK?

    They contribute more economically, they take jobs that white UK adults would refuse to work. Have you seen the rates of pay for casual farm labour? or care assistants in private residential homes?

    Please ask a question when your not simply making race-provoking jargon.

  24. Yes.

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