
Are in the world five "races" Euros, Arabs, Mexicans, Asians and Blacks disputing the World Order ?

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OK not only Mexicans, other Latinos and Hispanics or Mestizos too.




  1. IvaNN

  2. Technically, there are only 3 races....white (which includes Arabs and Latinos).....Black, and Asian (which includes American Indians and Pacific Islanders).

  3. All I want to say is...thank god for BoredaWake's answer...I was really getting worried there, reading some of these other answers.

  4. First, there is a difference between race and ethnicity.

    We belong to one race--human.

    I suggest you read George Orwell's 1984 and see how world order shapes a society, regardless of ethnicity.

  5. Wow...I would be okay with all these answers if they weren't in the anthropology section, because this is a ridiculous conversation to be having in this forum. Any good RECENT

    physical/biological anthropology book is a great starting point for further resources which will all point out that race does not exist as a physical category. For anyone claiming that anthropologists have studied this and come up with certain categories I think you might want to drop the AAA's (Anthropologists, not the car club) statement on race which (I'm paraphrasing so go look it up) which says that race really only exists as a cultural construct and not much else. You can find it on their website.

    This is a fascinating discussion though with evidence going both ways however and you will need to find some references to back whatever argument up you choose but please don't use 50+ year old data stemming from skull and mustard seed tests (that was more a inside reference to my biological anthro peeps). Consider this, genetically there is greater diversity across the same "race" than there usually is between "races." Races are "gradient" and their definition varies greatly based on classifications. Look up the racial classifications used in Brazil for instance. (Their are several articles on this but I don't remember publishing details). On the other hand how do we explain the FDA recently approving a drug for treatment of disease in the African American community stating that tests showed it was not significantly effective in other groups in the clinical trial?

    Finally, I think race as a cultural construct has played a much bigger role in cultures/society then any biological difference, real or imagined. You guys are free to have your discussion on race (h**l, some anthropologists are arguing for the concept of race) but lets at least use legitimate recent theories. The stuff on this page so far sounds like a anthropology textbook from the turn of 19th century. No one uses most of these terms except to refer to extinct paradigms.

  6. Quite a lot of Fluff.

    There is no "Human Race". It's a lovely thought but it belongs in a John Lennon song not a straight forward Q&A.

    There is a Human Species. It Is Called "HOMO SAPIEN"

    There are 4 Major Races and dozens of "Ethnicities" within them.

    Caucasoid (Scandanavia to Southern India)

    ******* (Sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar)

    Australoid (Australia)

    Mongoloid (East India to the Pacific Islands and the Americas) I suppose one might consider Native Americans as seperate from Asians but that's for someone else to consider.

  7. No, there is too much diversity to just clump people together based on their skin color.

    Within Europeans, you have anglo-saxons, franks, slavs, etc.

    Within hispanics, you have south americans, central americans, carribeans, mexicans

    etc, etc.

    We are all one thing: Human beings.

  8. Physical anthropologists (the experts on this subject) have classified humans into three races: 1. *******, 2. Caucazoid, and 3. Mongoloid.

    The '******* Race' includes every human of African ancestry: including Arabs and all other middle easterners.

    The 'Caucazoid Race' includes every human of northern European descent and of the Indian sub-continent. (skin colore does not determine the caucasian but also bone structure).

    The 'Mongoloid Race' includes all Asians and their ancestors, including American Indians.

    From these three main races are the 'ethnic groups'.  

    Intermarriage creates new ethnic groups not new races!!!  The Mexican is not a race but an ethnic group of various mixtures of indian, spaniard, and *****.

    The dominant genes from each race and ethnic group will prevail over the recessive genes of each race and ethnic group:  YOUR GENOTYPE DETERMINES YOUR PHENOTYPE.

    Now, due to all sorts of genetic principles, over time, various phenotypes will appear: negroes with blue eyes; mongoloids (Asians) with blonde hair, etc.  This is due to various genetic principles (Mendelian genetics, hetero or homo zygosity, and all sorts of really complicated variations too detailed for this little report).

    There is no such thing as a superior or inferior race!

    So there are only three races of human being but a multitude of ethnicities due to international intermarriage.

  9. No, they all pretty much agree that whitey is on top crapping on all the rest.

  10. There are at least five African races.  Pygmies, Bushmen, *****, Orientals from Madagascar, and Caucasian Arabs.  Mexicans are a combination of new oriental and Caucasian generally.  Arabs and Europeans as well as many from Asia are  Caucasians.   Races are not determined by continents or melanin.  They are determined primarily by skeletal and cultural differences.  There are very dark Melanesians who are not closely related to ******.   ****** are probably more closely related to Caucasians than they are to Bushmen or Pygmies.

  11. First and foremost like our intelligent friend above me said.



    The only things that separates us is that 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000... something or other percent of our melanin content.

    As long as you eat, breathe, sleep and p**p you are OK.

  12. Europe is a subcontinent, Mexico is a country, Arabic is a language, Asia is most of a continent (i.e. all of Eurasia that isn't in Europe) and Black is a color. And Latinos or Hispanics are, like Arabs, a linguistic group of many colors. You are really comparing apples and oranges in this question. It is possible to be Black and Arab, or Black and Latino. There are even black Europeans now.

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