
Are inert gases the same as noble gases? Pls Help!?

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If inert gases are different, then can you tell me what they are please. Thanx




  1. The Noble gases are all the gases in group 18(8A) of the periodic table, all sharing the property of being non-reactive due to their uppermost valence shell being saturated(containing 8 electrons, or 2 in the case of helium).

    The inert gases are any gas, molecular or elemental, that are considered non-reactive. All the noble gases are inert as well as many diatomic molecules and various compounds.

  2. technically they are the same. however, due to the fact that some of the inert gases can react with some elements such as fluorine, under high temperatures and pressures, they were renamed as noble gases.  

  3. Inert gases are gases that does not react readily. The noble gases certainly qualify, yet they are not completely inert! N2 is fairly inert which is why nitrogen exists in our atmosphere and is often used as an inert "cover" gas. Most other gases are fairly reactive, but many like O2 need a little stimulus!

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