
Are infertile man-woman couples eligible for marriage? Are same-s*x couples?

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Sexual liberals object to marriage laws stipulating a man-woman couple because a man-woman couple represents potential parents, arguing that infertile couples cannot be potential parents. They allege that same-s*x s*x "marriage" is possible because marriage does not require potential parents. Is this a valid argument?




  1. Yes to infertile man-woman couples, no to same-s*x couples.

    Marriage is the lifelong mating relationship of one man and one woman.  This mating relationship marks the man and woman as potential parents, a role they can fulfill by procreation or adoption. Infertile man-woman couples qualify as marriage partners if they are both single, consenting adult non-relatives (by definition they are the opposite s*x).  They can mate, enjoying the unique intimacy of sexual intercourse, and they can become parents by adoption if they so choose.

    Same-s*x couples fail the eligibility test for marriage because they are unable to mate and become potential parents.  They lack the sexual complementarity for mating and marital intimacy, and they fail as potential parents because they lack either the mother or the father parent.



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