
Are innocent heart murmurs dangerous?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 14 and today I'm in sports (Well, now) so I needed to get my heart checked and get my physical evaluated by the Cardiologist. So today when I went early morning, I did an Echogram and it came out bad, and abnormal. He thouth I had a hole in my heart.

So then they make me do an Ultrasound and the doctor did it two times to be sure and he was surprised but he didn't find anything wrong with my heart and he said it was a innocent heart murmur but he said that he was shocked, my family, especially my dad side has a strong history of heart murmur's. Are heart murmurs dangerous (Innocent)?




  1. Heyy!

    Okay so im 14 too and like at my sports physical the doctor told me i had a heart murmur. I went to the cardiologist and got an ekg and the doc said it was innocent and that unless i feel funny flutters or feel more short of breath than usual i hve nuthing to wrry about and its prbly the same w/ u. If ur really worried tho get a second opinoin it cant hurt.

    BTW a lot of young ppl have heart murmurs according to my doc it cld be a result of a high fever when u were younger or somethin lol

  2. A heart murmur is any gooshing sound that the blood makes flowing through the heart.  Yes there are heart murmurs that cause no issues throughout a persons life.  This could be from a leaky valve or a hole in the heart or so many other reasons.  If your cardiologist says not to worry then don't worry.  

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