
Are innocents nice guys so looked down upon socially?

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even traditional housewives look don't want them around socially;even in the 'just friends' kind of way?




  1. There is a HUGE difference between a "Good Guy" (GG) and a "Nice Guy"(NG).  

    A GG is a genuinely kind-hearted man who is there for you and loves you just because.  He rarely has any ulterior motives.

    An NG is a letch who only does things for you because he wants something from you.  NGs are the ones that are all, "I took her to the Russian Tea Room for dinner and I didn't even get a kiss!!", as if a woman is obligated to kiss you because you bought her food.  

    Nice guys are martyrs.  Their motto is: "After everything I've done for you..."  YUCK.

  2. Nice guys make great friends. I don't think they're looked down on as friends.

    It's just that women want passion and excitement, and nice men become a bit too predictable and submissive.

  3. Cid are you speaking from personal experience?  Do you not like nice guys? ;)

    I'd like to consider myself a nice guy, (or at least I treat people like I want to be treated) and most of my friends are women and I definitely don't feel looked down upon.  Romantically I find if you're looking to pull every night of the week then being a nice guy isn't particularly useful.  If you want to form a meaningful relationship then it can be very advantageous.

    Cid:  That was meant to be a joke, I had you pegged as a bit of mans man. Never mind.

    Anyway while I'm responding I have female friends because I work in an all female environment and prefer to chat with women then men, not because I'm looking to shag them so please don't worry about me getting screwed over.

    From your post I would imagine you haven't talked to too many women about what there after from a relationship (one of the advantage of having good female friends) but if you think it's got to do with nothing more than s*x then you know very little on the subject.

    Or maybe your just a horny teenager who can think of nothing else.  Been there and done than and now I'm looking for a little bit more.

  4. It's not the nice guys that are the problem. It's the innocent, naive ones.

  5. The illiterates can,t make up their fuddled minds up, probably confused by rampant boozing, limited intellect and untrained and repressed emotions. One minute the man is a wife-beating, bullying monster, the next minute the man is Mr Nice Guy. No point in asking a mixed -up scum, for a definite take as we are talking about lightweight empties who,s never stepped outside his nation much less reflect on himself, displaying his 2GCSE,s  and now qualified on extrapolating on social niceties on Y/A. Hurrah for Y/A, where else can one like this have a voice. Hurrah for democracy of the mediocre.

  6. There's nothing wrong with nice guys,as long as they're not too nice and get walked all over.

    A man should always stand up for himself , no matter how nice he is, but that doesn't mean he can walk all over others either!

    I like nice guys they're so much more genuine then arrogant "macho" men.

    Nice guys are attractive to me, because they don't go around proving their "manliness",and real men don't need to prove anything.

  7. Of course not, nice guys, as my opinion are the best kind of guys there are. Don't worry about what other people think, be who you are, you will be happiest that way! You will find a lot of people who will like you for who you are! Trust me, you are the best there is, as a guy!

  8. I like my guy friends to be nice innocent guys. I like my lovers to be rough and well traveled

  9. Nice guys are weak. People don't respect weakness and it sure doesn't turn girls on.

    Soul: From personal experience, yes. Do I not like nice guys? I'm indifferent to them. As for your women friends, good for you if you get along with a bunch of women. You can be their shoulder to cry on after they get done s******g around with sleazebag # 18 and learning yet another life lesson. Don't worry, they will keep making these bad boy "mistakes" until they are ready to marry some nitwit who puts up with them. Then that nitwit can have a very meaningful relationship. She'll still think of a bad boy on those lonely nights with her vibrator.

  10. I like Nice innocent guys a lot. What do you want to be Friends with, A violent jerk?

    By nice and Innocent i mean not looking for fights but if someone starts then do something.

    Like Polly in Juno! he is a good example of a nice, innocent guy.

  11. Quite true.  It's foolish and irresponsible of women to say that they want a nice guy and then not actually be interested in nice guys.

    Once upon a time I was a nice guy.  It gets you pretty much nowhere.  Now I just do whatever I want and simply shake my head in disapproval when a woman gets offended by something I say or do.  I'm surrounded by beautiful women that want me now.  It's totally backwards and idiotic, but so true.

    Most women aren't happy unless they have something to complain about.  So don't worry about giving them that something.  They get to tell their sad story to their girlfriends or female co-workers and get a bunch of attention for it.  They love it.

  12. Sometimes nice guys WIN!!


    Our entire culture is based on veneration of first (alpha females), second (alpha males).

    This is what makes feminism such a fraud. The alpha females have always been and will always be, at the top of the heap.

  14. It is nature that women are more attracted to "alpha males" than "beta males."  Confidence displays social value.  You don't have to be a jerk to be an alpha male, but you do have to have confidence in where you stand and refuse to be moved except when it is really necessary.  

    BTW ladies:  If you want to find an endless supply of these "nice guys" it is pretty simple.  These are the guys who always look away when you look at them.  Nice guys are often shy.  This shyness has led them to consider above all else how other people feel.  Also, since it is kinda against your nature to like the beta males, you might get a "creepy" vibe off of them.  But if that's really what you are looking for (as 90% of women say they are) go right on over and introduce yourself.

  15. I like nice guys!

    They are the best! At least with nice guys I don't have to worry about whether he is out doing something unacceptable (illegal, cheating, etc.).

    Bad boys are what i look down on! There isn't anything in this world that irks me more than them!

    Too many people do what the media says to do and not enough have a mind of their own!

  16. Society is getting meaner, rougher and more rude.  Innocent nice guys often get raped by society.  They are easy to step on.   A lot of nice guys are shy and most women prefer a more outgoing male.

    As for housewives, well I'm not one and can't answer for them.

  17. There is a tug-of-war on whether or not a man should be nice. Studies have shown over and over that kinder men and women make significantly less money than complete a******s. When women are asked what they want, they usually answer that they want a man that can provide for them and one that is nice to be around. The thing is when you give up looking for nice poor guys, you find rich a******s. It's science.

  18. It really depends on the woman. For some women, there is such thing as "too nice". This can apply to men and women. People feel like if you're "too nice" you're afraid to express yourself,disagree with people, and in a way sort of boring.Women can also find themselves in a situation where they may take advantage of the guy for being so nice. BUT to get straight to it, most of us girls don't want to hurt the guy, so as a result we wind up not wanting to be involved with them at all. [They may like you but you don't like them situations..] Like I said same applies to men.

    But it isn't fair to say that all women are like this. I'd personally find it refreshing if I met a nice guy...

  19. "only you can allow someone to make you feel inferior"

  20. Nice guys are hard to find and when we think we find one they turn out to be just a plain ole jerk.

    Woman do like nice guys.   Other men who think there tough don't like them.

    I'm a housewife and I would welcome anyone into my Just friends.    You have to remember housewives also have that thing called the husband and well it could offend them if their wife is talking with you  daily.

  21. my advise... your don't have to be a bad boy to stand up for yourself. Most women just aren't attracted to a man that lets himself get walked on... so do-yah-dam thang, and women will be attracted to your self respect and individial character.

  22. No.  I'm not an innocent nice guy, but, trust me, I know of several who have great lives.  Better than mine, actually.

  23. Many women survive emotionally by perpetuating the myth that they are victims.  If a guy is very cordial and gives a women everything she wants without anything to use against him, she gets scared.

  24. There is a diffence between nice guys and wimps. You can be a nice guy without being a wimp. Nice guys can think for themselves and follow the Golden Rule. They are respectful until they are disrespected. Wimps can't think for themselves or defend themselves.

    Why are you hanging around with housewives?

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