
Are insane people really are insane or are they faking it?

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if you're not crazy but act like one then you are crazy? or just ridiculously stupid..?




  1. You have to take that one on a case by case basis.  Of course you could do what I do and always assume ridiculously stupid in every situation.

  2. i agree with shades of bruno

  3. According to APA guidelines, almost everyone is clinically insane.  

  4. An insane person can't tell the

    difference between right and

    wrong.  They have crossed the

    line of what we "normal" people

    call reasonable.

  5. Insanity is having an ego having an I. Who is it that is not insane for what is sanity by definition?

    Wiki-pedia defines it thus: Sanity considered as a legal term denotes that an individual is of sound mind and therefore can bear legal responsibility for his or her actions. It is generally defined in terms of the absence of insanity. So are they a really insane only in comparsion to sanity make no comparisons and all those crazies are no crazier than you or i only difference is they are free to believe whatever they want to believe and express that throught their life. WE ARE LIKE A FLOCK OF STUPIDS FOLLOWING EACH OTHER DOING WHAT EVERYONE ELSE DOES. How much more insane is it to follow a crowd of people who only claim they know more than you do.

  6. Sanity is defined by any given set of cultural laws, mores, and norms.  Who is defining 'crazy'?  Is it nothing more than being outside of the given boundaries of social acceptance or does the person have a mental illness that modern medicine can help with?  The line is tenuous and only culture can provide an answer.

  7. No, insane people are true to themselves and to others.It is the rest of us who fake being sane.

    ..............thanks sweeta. Now see,if my answer were all there is to it, since I am unable to fake anything, I will fall in the insane category!

  8. insanity or madness is when the mind is moving to fast to control, and there are per that definiition insane people. When the mind is working at a normal speed, that is where the common man is at. Then when the mind is completely stopped you have God.

  9. So many people so right.

    Sadly, some people fake it, but by faking insanity, they are being insanely fake!!!

    I am a bit insane, and I ain't fakin' it.

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