
Are italian guys touchy?

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This summer I am trying to convince my mom to go with me to Italy or with my cousins,but she is afraid thats the guys would be touchy.Are they though?I DESPERATELY WANNA GO!




  1. I don't see the point in NOT to going to Italy just because people are a little more touchy than the common American guy... Come on.!!!  Is not that you are going to a country in war or something like that!

    It is an amazing country. I've been there twice and I would definitely go again.

  2. I spent a long vacation all over Italy, from larger cities like Rome and Venice to tiny villages.  I got a lot of compliments on the street, in stores from shopkeepers and customers alike, from waiters and patrons in restaurants, in cabs/buses, clubs, etc., but only a couple of times did anyone get "touchy", and when they did, it was totally harmless.  One very old gentleman walking alongside me in Venice put his arm around my waist, shook his head, and said in Italian "if I were young again" - it was very sweet (and he wasn't picking my pocket, either!).  A few other times, young men (in their 20's, I'd guess...I'm in my 30's) came up to me and asked if they could walk with me.  This is just a way for people to get to know each other, so you may get that.  When I said I was with someone else they left me alone, often with a friendly/flirty joke (things like "You want to break my heart? Are you sure? Is he better looking than me?").   Twice they took my hand and kissed it before leaving - totally harmless and completely charming.  

    You have to take it as part of the culture - if you dress and carry yourself in a self-respecting manner, you will be treated with decency and respect, though you WILL likely be flirted with - just enjoy it!  The art of flirting is alive and well in Italy, and it's harmless.

  3. They are a little bit but you can survive don't worry nothing to be afraid. Jut be car fully on buses.

  4. does she think people are just going to start touching her on the street? thats just stupid.

    italian culture is alot more touchy than american culture...people hug and kiss but its not like your mom is going to get assaulted or anything. be realistic. italians are people, not barbarians.

  5. no, we are only very romantic

  6. As a female teacher and a lecturer, I have escorted groups of girl students, some of whom were absolutely gorgeous, to various parts of Italy and we never had any problems with the  men. The young men were very enthusiastic about the foreign girls and wanted to dance with them at discos, but surprisingly they were even keener to dance with "la professoressa" (me!) because I could Rock and Roll properly  (my generation , I am afraid! ... and probably your mother's too) whilst my girls kept their distances on the dance floor. It is all a matter of signals. If a girl waggles her bottom when she walks, exposes her belly button or acres of flesh, then they may try it on, but generally they are respectful of those who behave simply and naturally, and are modestly dressed. Older men leave young girls (and older women too) alone and if anything are quite protective, because these days Italian women know exactly how to keep their men, and wandering hands might well end earning a smart slap back. If your mother chaperones you they will be extra respectful! I hope she will not cramp your style.

    Show this to your mother and tell her there is nothing to fear, and, when you get there, have a lovely time with whoever accompanies you. Don't wander alone, stick together, and keep your money in a safe place like a money belt or an inside pocket specially in busy places. You are more likely to have your purse pinched than your bottom! (Sadly it happens everywhere, and not just in Italy these days. My girls carried as little money as possible around and secreted it in their bras!).

    It is a wonderful place and you should go!

  7. Be careful just with the people from Naples or Rome, all the other boy  like me are gentlemen, i live in the best summer-place, near Cattolica, and there's a lot of foreigns people from Europe, but we have just problems with this people,

    it's strange but there's italian and italian!!!!!!!!!

  8. Yes, in general they are touchy but I would say they aren't if you are staying with yr mother or in group of boys and girls.

    Sometimes they do it because they guess that girl likes to be touched and this they immediately perceive either from the ways of she's moving, gazing, dressing, etc.

    In some cases woman's provocation is the main origin of their touchings. However should this unwillingly occurr to you , excluded always possible exceptions, they should give up immediately if you tell them to stop.

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