
Are jalapenos safe to eat yet?

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Can I eat jalapenos that are in salsa? I don't mean salsa freshly made from the restaurant.. but the kind you buy at stores.

What about the ones in pizza?

This jalapeno scare is really bumming me out...

I need my spicy food =[




  1. yes

  2. Yes. It was announced on the news.

  3. Definetly, but just to be on the safe side. By the canned ones, it's still tasty, yum!

    Pizzas? Hm, some pizza stores are really aware of what they are putting in their foods to keep their bussiness running and making customers coming back for more =]

    Don't eat too much spicy foods! They will ruin your digestive system.

    Cut down on them lol

  4. It was found out that the peppers grown in the United States were safe all along.  The problem was with ones that were imported.

    All this was settled some time ago.  Peppers should be on the shelf at your local grocery store.

    As a person that is very much into spicy foods, I too was more than a tad upset when they took my peppers away from me.  Thank GOD that I had privately grown ones to munch out on.

  5. im sure its fine

  6. I think you're fine as long as you buy jalapenos that were grown in America.

    My grocery store had a big sign by their peppers that said they were safe to eat as the "suspicious" peppers were grown in Mexico.

    As far as the salsa is concerned, I'd be careful unless you know where the ingredients came from. But this could be fun - you could make your own instead!

  7. well it depends where you get the jalapenos from...

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