
Are jeepney "barkers" annoying? Should it be abolish?

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I think they are too annpying especially in Metro Manila area, where they shout the route even if the route is obvious. But here in the province they doesn't shout that loud, they also don't shout the route, they just shout the numbers of passenger needed to fill the jeepney so it can leave/dispatch. Example: "Isa na lamang po at aalis na." (One more passenger and {we} will be leaving")

My brother is a jeepney barker/dispatcher. He collects payment from the passengers before dispatching the jeepney. This became a routine in the jeepney terminal where my brother is "barking". The jeepney association drivers had a problem when some passengers constantly "forgets" to pay. Collecting before the jeep dispatches was the solution the jeepney association voted for. So my brother has been a barker for 3 years now, it supports his studies.

I gave him constant advice of changing his job. I suggested to him to get a fast food job.I mainly was concern about his health, vehicular smoke might trigger his asthma.

I believe being a "barker" is not bad at all although many people would find that it doesn't make sense to have a "barker".

My brother "barks" and collects at the same time, P5 pesos per jeepney dispatch. He also gets salary from the jeepney association for his daily duty. He accepted the job out of practicality. He badly needs a part time job that time. He continued it until now for he finds it so convenient because he can adjust his schedule and association is so considerate when he have to absent for his studies.He is self supporting his studies.

But now....

My brother is in life threatening situation when a passenger (a jail warden) pointed a gun at his chest because he got mad about the fare hike.;_ylt=AvNB7nGHBt1Fe6GgJM1Tk5vsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080810090426AAbnirs

My brother's life is not worth sacrificing just for this job though.

I'm please to hear your opinions about "barkers".

I'm thinking about requesting my brother's employer (the jeepney association) to abolish or to make some reforms to avoid situations like my brother is facing right now.




  1. no, they are okay, although some may be rude, i haven't encountered one but seen them make harsh comments to passengers who do not follow rules. Many "barkers" are courteous, and they act as information counters for directions, fare prices,and "handler" to passengers who are occupying "too much seats" for themselves. They also act as baggage boys for the senior citizens.They make sure the "line" is straight and in order and give priority seats to pregnant women,senior citizens, couples with children. I have high regards for them.If they are annoying, the drivers or jeepney association would not have created them in the first place. Yes, there are sign boards, and passengers who frequent such routes just read them and not ask. But to strangers or those new to such place, they need the assistance of barkers.

    The case of your brother with the jail warden could have erupted by his way of addressing to people in authority. Such folks have very short temperament. They should be addressed to with extra courtesy. One should not pour gasoline into a flame, but instead use other means to keep it down like covering it with soil, water, wet cover, etc.

    But  I would suggest that "barkers" should also act as "pager" reminding passengers and driver that smoking is prohibited in public places,acts of lasciviousness is punishable for more than 5 years, that litters should not be thrown out on the road but be put in the trash cans inside the jeepney so that it would be segregated for recycling, and passengers must ride and disembarked only in designated areas.

  2. lets leave the jeepney's barkers alone please...

    the incident that happened to your brother does not generalize the whole jeepney barker's fate  

  3. We do not need Jeepney barkers. Jeepney barkers are loud and rude.

    We all know how to read the signs on the jeeps, or ask the driver if he is stopping at a certain place. Your brother needs to find honest work, and quit attaching himself to businesses where his "services" are not wanted.

    I wish the barkers would stay away from me and stop running up the costs of transportation services that we use. They demand a tip from the driver which makes the driver have to raise his rates so he can make a decent living.

    If the Jeepney barkers are already recieving a salary; why do they INSIST on a tip from the driver?

    Many jeepney barkers try to force the passengers to give them a tip too. Why do I have to give money to a barker? I already know how to read where the jeep is going, and I can see for myself if the jeep is full of passengers or not.

    What service does the jeepney barker really provide? If the barkers were not there people would read the sign on the jeep, get on the jeep, and go.

    In the bus terminal in Cubao there are no barkers. What do people do there? We look at the signs on the bus, ask the driver, get on the bus an go!

    Most of the time if you ask a barker where a jeep is going he acts like he is too busy to help you, so you have to ask the driver anyway. So what service or function does the barker really do? The barker collects tips for himself, and that is about all he does.

    None of us need the "services" of a jeepney barker and I wish they would shut up, go home, and leave the people alone...

  4. its kind of sad to hear this.

    In my country, attempting to use firearms without justification and even without intention to kill is punishable by death. See if anyone in your country still dare to use arms?

    Go report him and get justice served. Its better to report to the higher levels of PNP. Once he got charged, the media will know about it.

    Regarding barkers, I'm not Filipino so I think I give an unbiased answer.

    I do not think its necessary. I live in a country where like we do not have jeepneys but we have buses that goes a fixed route. We do not need barkers to make sure pregnant ladies, senior citizens got their seats, the drivers will make sure the bus is full and those vulnerable have seats without overloading the bus. We do not need barkers to tell us which bus go where and which bus go there. Just ask the drivers and they can even tell you different bus you should take to go there. Responsibilities lies with the driver or even the conductor.

    its inefficient to use barkers.

    For non-paying customers, think a conductor will be  the best. Can a barker keep track with so many things at one time?

    My first experience in the Philippines is in Santa Rosa. Only the driver shouts the route. No barkers no conductors and he answers all questions and he collected all fares without fail. This is efficiency.

    I think your brother should find another job. Its really too polluted standing by the side of the road all the time in the Philippines.

    i've read the other post of yours. These people think they can get away with crime. I think you guys better be careful somemore in the same barangay.

    one thing to add on. As long one job is of clear conscience, without having to cheat or rob for a living. honest living won't hurt. I support working honestly and hard for a living. Its the first step out of poverty. never commit crimes and be dishonest. God will bless you. You shall be rewarded. Poverty won't last forever but neither will wealth.  

  5. This is new...question not in CAPS?!=P

    Seriously, report this to the police. And since your brother is part of the Association, he can report this to them and maybe they can make something so they can prohibit the warden to ever coming near the terminal.

    If you wish to make a stop to this for your brother's safety...go public. There are always TV stations who could be of good help to you. After you get your most sought after justice, then you'll probably feel better. But try to be more careful. You know how it is in the Philippines...especially if you're in the province. Bullies who get caught would pretend to be a victim after they are called off with their bad tactics.

    Ask your brother to get a new job after this issue is done. He could probably get a better and safer job this time.

    With regards to abolishing the 'barkers'. Even if they are loud and annoying at times, but see...its part of our culture already. And that means some would be losing their job. I know you seemed worried with what happened to your brother but some people has that for living. Try to be considerate for the others too.

    I'm so sorry about your brother. Try to call the pro bono lawyer or check out their link from my answer to your other question.

    Hope this helps.

    Additional Info : Good to know that you have reported this to the proper authorities. These bullies must be reprimanded even if they back their story up with a very good alibi.

    Good Luck and Take care!

  6. I don't think that the incident about your brother and a policeman is a basis for the jeep association to abolish "barkers." What happened to your brother and the policeman is just a result of the police's arrogance and drunk state of mind. I don't understand why police in the Philippines act as some sort of bullies sometimes. If that would have happened here in US, then that policeman will definitely be reprimanded or demoted. I don't think reporting it to the police station where he works will result to his demotion (as you know how everything works in the Phils) but it is definitely wise to file a complaint against him. Seek for their chief, he'll give you advise if you want to file a case against that policeman. Your brother is just doing his job and I'm sorry to hear what happened to him.

    If you go public about it by telling your story on TV, that policeman will probably be more in rage to look for your brother so I advice you to do that if you and your brother are in good protection before doing so.

    Advise your brother not to return to his job for a moment or better seek for a job that will help improve his management skills and a job that he can have a certificate of employment. Your suggestion for a fast food job is a good one to start with. The pay may be a little lower than what he earns as a "barker" but being employed in a good company will matter someday when looking for a better job.


    Glad to know the development of your brother's case.

    I hope you can get a very good lawyer and witnesses to support your case.

    The policeman is in no right to pull out his firearm and just point at someone (unless making arrest or defending himself) IMO. His being drunk (if) while at duty alone is against their job rule. You can't probably prove that since as you know the case wasn't reported as it happened and I don't think police in the Phils. conduct breathalyzer tests but anyway I wish you and your family good luck on your case.

  7. Honestly I have live in Manila for all these times and I firmly believe that Jeepneys should be abolished from the streets.  And that the government should have not allowed private sector handle Public Transport in the first place, being a vital and all that for the movement of businesses and economy.  They have been a great source of chaos in the streets together with the Buses, who gravely disregard traffic rules and regulations.  h**l most of them don't even finished high school and they are made to handle innocent lives, and that most of them don't even know how to read traffic signs let along follow them.

    I for one is voting the abolition of the Jeeps, Tricyles and Pedicabs.

  8. Im very sorry for your brother. I think its time for him to move to another job.

    As for the jeepney barkers, I hate them and we do not need them actually. Most of them are rude, looking scary and drug addict (i encountered these types not only once or twice). Its a pity for the jeepney drivers because their income alone isn't enough to feed their family and then they will have to deduct it further to pay for these barkers.

  9. sorry about what happened to your brother. but being a "barker" is decent job. some people need this job. no need for it to be abolished.

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