
Are jet ski's dangerous?

by  |  earlier

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im studying hard to get a license but are they safe? and what are some safety tips while driving one? I know they can tip easily




  1. they're perfectly safe as long as you use them right don't try to do anything if you think its not smart and start out on days not going too fast when the waters calm and get a feel for the jet ski and yes the jet ski can tip if you lean too far to the sides or to far forward they will go underwater for a second but that's all part of the fun and as long as your wearing the kill switch you'll be fine just ALWAYS wear the kill switch and don't go to fast or do anything wild until you get a feel for the jet ski also never turn hard near a boat if u spray them u can get fined just follow your common sense and don't do anything crazy and you'll be fine also on your first few times carry some people with you who know how to ride and can teach you and ALWAYS wear A Life jacket its the law and don't forget your killswitch can't stress that enough well have a good time on ur jet ski

  2. there defently dangerous if you dont ride them right or are not experienced enough, just make sure to wear a jacket and put on the kill switch.

  3. h**l no!  They are fun as c**p!  Few safety tips:

    1) Make sure you can swim well for long period of time in case they do tip.  You will need the strength.

    2)  Wear a life vest while riding one.

    3) Get the safety strap attachment.  It cuts the machine off if it becomes seperated from it.  Actually wear the strap when riding the ski!  

    4) Start off slow and then pick up speed.

    5) Have fun with it!

  4. h**l yes they are here where i live there has been one death in the first two weeks of lake season i wish they would outlaw them i guess there has to be a death every day before they do something about them

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