
Are jews not aware that the WEst Bank and Gaza are legally recognized as the Palestinian Territories?

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This is not a secret; you would think that anyone posting on this category would have at least some small knowledge of the region. The jews keep calling Palestine "an imaginary country" and claiming "it doesn't exist". Are they really that ignorant? One of them even stated "you won't find it on any map" but the Palestinian Territories are on any map of the region I've seen since 1992. Are these people merely playing dumb or are they actually dumb? Opinions?




  1. Some people are living on propaganda for years like the boy who killed Rabin or the policeman who killed himself 2 days ago. Most are living in the propaganda world and when they face the real world most of them are out casted by most people.

  2. well, palistines really dont have a country. god gave israel to jews after 40 years in wilderness. israel gave them the gaza strip to be nice, and as a peace thing for them to stop shoting rockets and blowing them selfs up, but it didnt work, now they have gaza strip, and still terroize israelies. the link is a long comment i made

  3. No,they are not aware of that and yes,they are that ignorant. I have never met a jew who was reasonably well-informed on anything to do with the Mideast. You just hear the same stale propaganda blather every time around.

  4. I have consistently found that Jewish participants are woefully ignorant of even the most basic facts regarding the region,it's history or the origins of zionism. I am not referring to matters that are purely a question of opinion; I am referring merely to historical fact and obvious current political realities. No,I really think they are not aware that the Palestinian Territories are legally incorporated and hold a seat at the UN. They just babble about the alleged non-existence of this remnant of historical Palestine as though they've never opened a newspaper in their lives. Most of them live in a mental dreamscape developed by propaganda organs.

  5. Unlike some answers here, I believe the Jews know very well about the region belonging to the Palestinians..they just don't CARE. They won't be happy until they have all of Israel to themselves.

  6. That dumb. But there is also a lot of what might be called herd mentality. Jews are not known for independent thought; more like Follow the Leader. In the U.S. you never need to ask Jews their opinions; just glance at the American jewish Congress website. They all tow the line like sheep.

  7. Palestine does not exist anymore. When Palestinians refer to Palestine, they mean the land that Israel currently occupies. The Gaza strip and West bank are the Palestinian Territories, but most Palestinians living there are actually refugees who used to live in the pre-1948 British mandate of Palestine, which is now Israel.

    Palestine = pre-1948 Israel

    Palestinian Territories = Gaza and West Bank

    You are wrong if you think the Palestinian territories and Palestine are the same thing, so don't insult other people just because you think you are right. Also, don't generalize and say that all Jews have the same opinions and are all ignorant, since that just makes you the ignorant one for saying something like that.

  8. Never mind the Jews. The entire mass communication system in the US are not aware of any territories belonging to the Palestinians.

    When was the last time you heard, or read, or seen anyone in the US MSM call any part of the West Bank or Gaza as occupied?

    When Israel invades Palestinian land it's a "raid" but when Palestinians return the favor it then becomes a "cross border" attack.

    So, you see, they have "borders" we don't.

    Americans take a clue out of all this and as such cannot bring themselves to recognize any part of Palestine as Palestinian. So our lands are always in "dispute" or "negotiable" or are given to us as a "concession" and therefore subject to permanent Israeli control.

    This way of looking at the situation has done us a great, great amount of damage.

    Edit: Having said all this I have to agree with Maya about how ignorant many Jews are about Palestine. They just keep regurgitating the same Zionist propaganda of the 1940's and before as if nothing has happened since, and seem very happy doing so.

    The saddest part is when they refused to talk to you about any of it.

  9. Formal answer:  no.

    Comment:  Are you referring to the territories which Israel won in the war?  Call them whatever you want--the one who wins the war is the one who gets to call the shots.  If the Arabs had *ever* defeated Israel in all the times they've tried, do you think they would let Israel have her soveriegnty?  Get real.

    And please--by your own logic, the fact that "Palestinian Territories" has been on a map **only** since the early '90's means that it **is** a made up fiction.

  10. I believe they are aware of it. But the one's who claim Palestine is not occupied, does not exist, there are no Palestinians etc. etc. etc. are just evil, nasty, unhappy and in the end have nothing better to do in life. Cheers!

  11. to be honest they know it more than they know they living room , the fact is that they just dont want to leave it so they pretend like they dont. even their allies like america and uerope they know it very well but in favour of israel they dont want to say anything about it

  12. They might as well be considered BLIND

  13. Actually, you come across as a little bit ignorant...  

    Currently, there are 4 areas of "Israel AKA Palestine" to speak of.

    1. Israel - This includes places like Tel Aviv, Haifa and West Jerusalem.  About 1 million Muslim Arabs live peacefully in these areas along side the Jewish minority and Christians.  This area is clearly Israeli... and *most* of the land was gained by the Jewish settlers through legal purchases.  Many lands are still owned and inhabited by Arabs with very little problems.  Israel proves to tolerate all religions and honors people's right to property.

    2.  Golan Heights - Once part of Syria, now part of Israel officially.  There is some talk about returning these lands to Syria.  There is little conflict in this area at the moment.

    3.  The Gaza Strip - Only very radical Zionists want anything to do with this area.  In fact, all Jewish settlers have been evacuated from this area because it was so unsafe.  Then Israel gave it to the Palestinians.  The Israeli government hoped that this would make the local population happy.  Instead they elected a terrorist group as their leader (Hamas) and send rockets and shoot at Israeli lands, even during ceasefire.  Now, Israel doesn't want anything to do with the Gaza Strip because it is a nightmare.  They tried to help, but the people turned to terrorism and martial law!  Keep in mind that many nations would not recognize a government led by a terrorist organization.   Why should the Israelis have any respect for the government of the Gaza Strip.  (I do have sympathy for the non-fundamentalist members of the general population there, they have it very hard due to the misguidance of their political and social leaders).

    4.  The West Bank - This area is currently ruled by a non-terrorist group.  However, the Israeli government doesn't want to take the risk of recognizing it as a nation... why?  Because a "Real country" gets an army... and if the West Bank became a "real country" (which it is not right now by the way - at least not fully)... then it gets a military... in about 1 year the West Bank will elect Hamas to rule... and immediately Hamas will use the military to attack Israeli roads and the nearby airport serving Tel Aviv and all of Israel.   The Israeli nation will be ruined economically in this event, and the entire Middle East will break out into war causing chaos.  Does that really sound good to you?

    So, next time you say that Palestine should be recognized think about the consequences.  The average Israeli promotes peace and tolerance of religions and people groups.  That's why over 1 million Muslim arabs live peacefully inside "Israel."  However, they have to take measures to protect their population.  If hostile Palestinians keep engaging in suicide bombings and shooting innocent civilians then this is proof enough they are part of a terrorist group.  Israel protecting itself is acting within the rights of a normal state.

    Israel is managing a conflict at the moment.  Part of this is not recognizing a Palestinian state.  This would lead to chaos in Israel and possibly the Middle East and beyond.

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