
Are job offers that are sent by email legit?

by Guest10944  |  earlier

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I received a very good offer by email,but i am not sure its legit.This offer is sent from hong kong,wanting someone to do book keeping they call it.Requireing me to receive checks from their clients,cash these checks at my bank then send money to them by money gram.I take get10% of each check along with monthly salary.Anyone familiar with this?




  1. Is this some kind of joke or what? How did you meet the company and ended up applying for the job to begain with?So are moving Hong Kong to work since you got job offer.It looks like someone is taking your info and they'r going to use ur i.d to  get visa card whatever.If I were you stop all contects with these people also close my bank account and open new one with diffrent bank.

  2. I'm familiar with this.  As a scam.  You cash the check and send them the money via moneygram.  That's the same as sending cash and as untraceable.  The checks you cashed come back as counterfeit and you're out the money and stuck.

  3. Ha ha ha ha ha ..

    The Cheques will all be (good) FAKES and FORGERIES**...

    Your Bank will (initially) accept them and 'credit' your account .. you then send on the 'balance' (after commission) by some non-reversible untraceable means (usually Western Union - Money Gram is also a good choice) .. after the cheques are returned to the issuing bank (may be up to 6 weeks or more) your Bank will be informed that they are FAKES. They then 'bounces' the cheques and 'debit' your account  .. and your money is gone, gone, gone .. (whilst your overdraft goes up, up and up ...)

    PS check the email headers and contact details .. this SCAM is mainly run from Nigeria and (would you believe) The Netherlands !

    I bet Advance Fee Fraud is almost as old as you are = although it keeps running and running because there is (another) "one born every minute" :-)

    **often real cheques are stolen from real businesses .. the signatures are all forgeries .. when your bank tries to verify the cheque, it will find a real business, real account and real money .. but your Bank has no way of verifying the signatures ..

    Fake checks can be printed up with real company details - typically well known international companies .. (who would question a cheque from eg. IBM ?)

    PS Cheque fraud is so simple it's amazing that ANYONE ANYWHERE in the world is willing to accept a cheque from anyone ... it still happens in the UK a lot - every day some-one selling a Car ends up with a fake Building Society Cheque or fake Bankers Draft (to fool 'Joe Public' you don't even have to bother with the Magnetic Ink .. just run them off on your 'photo-real' printer ...)

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