
Are kids hard to handle?

by Guest65838  |  earlier

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Just wandering




  1. yes.

    they have their own personalities and temperments. its not as easy as it may appears.  

  2. Depends on how u raise them, if u spend a lot of time with them then they will b raised better if u neglect them. the hardest times r when they are babies and toddlers. The rest will b fine if u raised them right.

  3. Kids are difficult at certain ages.  They do take a lot of patience and sacrifice.  But it is worth it to see your child smile back at you for the first time, or come crying into your arms when they've had a bad dream or come skipping in from school, bursting over to tell you all about their day.  

    Besides dealing with the difficult situations helps you grow as a person and become a stronger, more loving and better human being.  I think having kids is necessary to teach us to love deeper and better.

  4. Wander back over here please. we can't see you so far away.

  5. At certain ages they can be difficult but you love them so much it doesn't matter.

  6. Of course there are times when you think your kids are just too much to handle.  Like when they are total snots out in public and it looks like you have no control over your children.  Or when they are just plain naughty.  But then you experience these wonderfully sweet moments with them.  My kids are only 3 and 1 but when I look back over the years, all I can ever remember are the good times.

    Being a mother is the best decision I have ever made and I would do it over in a heartbeat.

  7. Only when they're screaming or squirming or hungry or hot or tired or bored or overstimulated or lonely or cold or impatient or when you want to go out to a movie and they won't shut up and let you watch and the manager tells you you're disturbing the other patrons and asks you to leave or when you want to go on vacation to go hiking but can't without carrying all the trail gear AND tired, cranky 50-pound Junior or when it's 3 AM and the baby wants feeding and it's your turn to do it.

    Or when you want something expensive and can't have it because you spent all your money on formula or diapers or toys or school supplies or clothes or medicine. Or when you want to go on a date and have to pay some teenager 7$ an hour only to find she spent the whole time talking on your phone with her boyfriend.

    Or when they're teenagers and want to do stuff you'll never ever let them do, or stay out all night without answering their cell. And when they break stuff and you have to pay for it.

    Sometimes they go to sleep, though. Usually they aren't difficult while they're asleep.  

  8. Well, yes and no. When they are babies and up till about 3 or 4, you need to watch them ALL the time. Making sure they don't put anything in their mouths, making sure they don't fall down stairs, touch hot or sharp things, etc. .

    They are fun to be around and play with, but need discipline too. You are showing them what is right and what is wrong.

  9. no.  

  10. Are pets?  It's kinda the same question.  Just like there are difficult pets, there are wonderful ones.  But even difficult ones give you some good times.  My children make me want to bang my head on the wall sometimes, but other times they melt my heart.

  11. My daughter is only 16 months old, so I would say generally speaking no.  But all kids go through phases where they are "challenigng" such as when they are teething, the terrible twos, etc.

    I guess it depends on the parent, the child, the interaction between the two, and your definition of "hard to handle".

  12. I have a 5 yr old that is extremely hyper. He is very hard to handle. VERY hard to handle. I have a 1 yr old that is the most mellow, pleasant baby ever. Some kids are easier to "handle" than others.

  13. Nope  not for me anyway ... I had my first daughter July of 91 my second July of 92 and my third and last May of 94 and I had no problems raising them.. I was 27 when I had my first... Which makes a huge difference

    My second daughter was a blue baby and has mental health issues and the baby has a mild form of autism and as long as you know how to handle their temperments you will be fine

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