
Are large SUVs cheaper in the long run?

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Are large SUVs cheaper in the long run because of their safety?




  1. No Way!!

    Let us say you are a safe, skillful, defensive driver.  So for the next ten years you have zero accidents.  

    What you have left is a vehicle that will suck a lot of money out of your wallet.  Terrible gas mileage, higher maintenance costs, higher replacement costs of the tires, terrible re-sale value.  On the road they do not handle turns well, have just so-so braking performance, and can be vulnerable to roll-overs during an emergency lane change.

    Do yourself a favor and stay away from SUVs.  That is the only way that the car companies will wake up and start producing more efficient vehicles.  American car buyers have turned their backs on the SUVs.

    About time America wakes up and stops falling for the marketing hype promoted by the domestic auto makers.  My life has been just fine despite not owning a SUV or pickup truck.  

    I am through buying from the domestic companies.  America and the domestic auto companies completely forgot the 1970s.  I lived thru the oil embargoes, buying on even or odd numbered days, and hearing about gas rationing.

    My motorcycle returns 53 mpg and I use my bicycle for errands.

  2. err, have you been to the gas station lately?

  3. I can think of no situation where a large SUV is cheaper. They cost more to buy, they cost more to repair, they cost more to insure, the tires cost more, oil changes usually cost more and they use a lot more gas. Your hospital bill is going to be the same if you break your neck in a large SUV or a Cooper Mini.

  4. No.

    They aren't even much safer... Yeah, they'll keep YOU safe, but what about the person you hit? If they are in a car, they don't have much protection.

    Also, SUV's DO flip a lot easier.

  5. Not all SUV's tip over as some here would imply. The safety of a vehicle is built into through it's design, not it's size or weight, which means large does not necessarily translate to safe.

  6. you're not going to be that safe from the gas pump!! not to mention, from a bigger point of view, gas guzzlers take a toll on air quality in the city you live in. if everyone drove more fuel efficient cars, cities like LA wouldn't have such bad smog problems. and that's all air that ends up in your lungs. so, that aside from the fact that suvs roll, i'd go with a sedan.

  7. btw, its a myth that SUV's are safer.

    Sure maybe in a slow speed crash, your car may be less damaged..  and the high suv bumper map go straight through the other person's window to hit them in the head.

    but in any high speed crash.... The SUV has more kinetic energy = more dangerous both to the occupant and anything you hit.

    If you crash an suv it is much more likely to roll over than a car, and if you roll, the likelihood of death is much higher.

    Even if no one is injured, the cars are going to be more damaged, which equals higher damage costs.

    (insurance rates went up alot since suv's became popular)

    add on top of that, they brake slower, can't maneuver fast to avoid accidents, and reduce visibility for other drivers on the road...  they don't really make much sense at all.

    cost you roughly twice as much in gas as a smaller car.

    not cheaper in the long run.

  8. No.  Auto accidents only account for 2% of deaths.  Health related deaths account for about 90% of all deaths.  Serious health disabilities are just as high for health issues versus car accident victims.  SUVs actually tip over easier too.  

    The average person will spend between $200 - $300 more on gas per month on a large SUV.  You are far better off spending just a little more on good food and buying a gym membership which should increase your cost only about $100 per month or less, and you'll LIKELY have much better results.  You'll also look better and feel better.  If you avoid going out and eating, and cook healthy food, you will likely SAVE money and can cover the cost of a gym membership or just buy a good pair of walking shoes and walk faithfully everday.


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