
Are laser pens for cats safe?

by  |  earlier

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I've just today got one of those red laser pens from ebay and my kitty loves it. I never (duh!) shine it in his face and he has lots of other toys he plays with too. He loves to chase the light though!

Now I've read things online saying these are not safe. Whaaat? Is it just if they're used irresponsibly or cruelly or should they not be used at all?





  1. it should be safe just keep out of eyes

  2. You already know it isn't safe to shine it in their eyes ( it could blind them) so your kitty will be fine. It's a great way to help an indoor kitty get much needed exercise and most cats really do love them! My 2 females love chasing the "bug" all over the place. The male just lays there and watches his girls frolic. It's riot when I send the light his way and they have to jump over him to go after it.  

  3. it would be a pretty bad design if they were dangerous because that could meen they harm us . i would also look at the instructions the box came with or look up the company the pen came from to find out

  4. my cat loves them too, lol, he will bounce off the wall for hours if i sat there long enough apart from being the dork he always is, i dont think it affects him, if anything turns him into a silly kitten again lol

  5. The only time these are unsafe is when people misuse them eg Shineing it directly into the cats eyes, using it to deliberately guide the cat to danger etc. You sound like you are responsible so you have no problems and its perfectly safe for you to play with your cat using this toy, so carry on having fun with your cat.

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