
Are leaders born or made?

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Are leaders born or made?




  1. Leaders are born only in India.. starting from ward councillors to top political leaders, their legal heirs only can become as their successors. Others cannot even think of it.

    Hence leaders are not made.. they are born (in India).

  2. Both

  3. In India where sycophancy and dynastic politics rule,

    leaders are born.It is immaterial that the person may not merit the position but given the clout,that a father has will ensure that the son will be groomed to exercise

    the same clout with the help of an army of toughs and other hangers-on.It is only in very rare circumstances

    that leaders are made.Again they may not be self-made

    because persons falling under this category avoid

    public exposure as far as possible,choosing to remain in oblivion rather than the public eye.

  4. Leaders are not Born... Leaders are Made

  5. strictly speaking , people's movements make some people leaders. people armed with good orator ship ,who understand the problems, who know how to solve them scientifically and ready to fight till they achieve their goals.but unfortunately in India, people who were born in the families of cinema stars, ruling classes, big industrialists, automatically become leaders.ACTUALLY, THEY ARE TO BE CALLED DEALERS INSTEAD OF LEADERS.

  6. Leadership is a nature, it is an art to know how to lead because real leaders have to face different situation, condition, time, people, place to make the right decision, so a leader has to be born one before he/she could be made a better leader through studies. If leaders were able to be made, that's science, means some people could based on a formula to lead.

  7. Leaders are born and leaders are born.There are people who are born with leadership instinct; why there are people who accquire leadership  knowledge by being a good follower.

  8. made...

  9. leaders r borne and leadership is definitely not inhered . puppets r made and controlled not leaders .  

  10. Those who were born to lead - are often not qualified in any respect to lead

    But nonetheless they lead because they were born to - This is the essence of the class system

    Leaders care about their people their causes and their welfare , not just now but in the near and distant future

    Those born into positions of power seldom fall into that category

    Leaders are not just men and women who like to tell others what to do or who are good at manipulation of persons or large groups although this is normally who ends up leading - they are not "leaders" but rather task masters

    There is more leadership in Tommy Douglas than there ever will be in someone who is born into a position - where telling people what to do and living off their labour is normal

    There Tommy Douglas - a name to look up  

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