
Are learners from the north of ireland alowed to drive in the south ?

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I am i learner in the northern ireland,i only hold a provisional licence,i was wonderin if i am allowed to drive on motorways in the south, i was also wondering in the south, do i have to be accompanied when im driving in southern ireland?




  1. yes, they are

  2. Nope you can't and chances are if you read your insurance it will tell you that it doesn't cover you to drive in ROI - Thats what happened to me

  3. the points system will soon be ready to cross the border, that is points gained in the "REPUBLIC!!!!" will be put on your licence in the north for offences carried out while driving in the republic, and vice versa.

    No you cant as your provisional licence is not recognised here, a full licence is. The restrictions on your licence limit you to the NI provence ,

  4. بإنهاء "انقلابها" في غزة

    سويس إنفو - منذ 48 دقيقة/دقائق

    القاهرة (رويترز) - رفض الرئيس الفلسطيني محمود عباس يوم الاربعاء مطالب منافسيه في حركة حماس بأن تسيطر الحركة على حدود قطاع غزة مع مصر وطالبها بانهاء "انقلابها" في القطاع. وكان اسلاميو حماس التي سيطرت على قطاع غزة في يونيو حزيران الماضي بعد اقتتال داخلي مع قوات حركة فتح التي يتزعمها ...

    عباس يرفض اجراء محادثات مع حماس اذا لم تتراجع عن "انقلابها" AFP

    حماس ترفض موقف عباس من معبر رفح والحوار الجزيرة

    ايلاف -

  5. If you hold a learner permit (or provisional driving licence), you can't drive on a motorway. It depends how long you've had it - on your first one, you do need a qualified driver with you.  There's a number you can ring at the last page of the link  to check - but you should ring your insurance company, they will know all the requirements, and if anyone crashes into you, you'll be covered because you let them know & gave them the chance to update you.

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