
Are learning styles and learning thories the same thing?

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I can not find article on ethier. I have to write a paper ob learning theories but i found information on stlyes and I am not sure I am doing the right thing.




  1. There are many different "learning theories" which are similar to "learning styles."  Some include the Multiple Intelligences, others include the 4MAT 4 categories of learning, and there are many many others. I believe you probably are doing the correct thing but you may want to ask your professor to be sure. Find your information on styles and present him/her with some of the examples you found and ask if that is what he/she is looking for. Good luck. This is the fun part, believe it or not...

  2. Learning theories are different people's theories about HOW learning takes place at all.  Like how the brain is "wired", or how brain cells form connections.

    Learning styles would be how one of those aforementioned people (theorists) would explain why different people learn differently.  For example, Visual, Auditory, and Tactile/Kinesthetic learners would be one theorist's explanation.

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