
Are left leaning people just NOW starting to see the Clintons for who they really are?

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Gotta love Gloria Steinem during the Clinton Lewinsky scandal....a famous feminist who said that Clinton wasn't guilty of 'sexual harrasment', even though it was clearly one of the most obvious cases of sexual harrasment in American History...but I guess it was O.k. becuase he was the lead Democrat at the time.....

Now the tables have turned and the Dems want somebody else as their guy....and the Clintons have resorted to the lamest of tactics...accusing Obama of 'plagiarism'...

The Clintons seem to be barely able to control their rage at their 'base' for having the 'audacity' to consider somebody other than them...

These two clowns have declared themselves heir to a thrown.

Did it take leftists 16 YEARS to figure out what was always obvious to many....the Clintons are SOCIOPATHIC POWER HUNGRY CRETINS?




  1. In my book, Clintoness is next to Godliness.

  2. Sorry, no. There was no  "sexual harassment" no matter how many time you people infected with Clinton Derangement Syndrome repeat it.

    Both Clintons have been investigated up/down, backwards/forwards/inside out - and NO CHARGES, no convictions, no jail  was brought against them.


    This is probably the funniest thing in the world to me.

    The fact that the Clintons ACTUALLY HAVE BEEN INVESTIGATED and found  innocent, and yet BUSH has hidden behind the curtain of stamping all White House documents as "classified" so that in effect, an investigation into his clearly criminal condut is impossible.

    How you gonna investigate when you can't get your hands on any evidence? Because it's all been classified "Top Secret?"

    Oh, and let's not forget the five million deleted emails.

    Or the "SECRET" email accounts used by White House staff so that they didn't fall under the same legal and ethical guidelines of the REAL White House accounts.

    The Bush Regime is CRIMINAL.

    It's also a big Yuck-yuck-yuck that you are actually going to hijack the word "sociopath" and attempt to apply it to the Clintons.... when it's been all over the internet for a couple of years now that George W. Bush displays the textbook, classic symptoms of a sociopath.

    Good God almighty - have ANY of you EVER had one original thought?

    Oh, and the word is "THRONE" Einstein.

  3. Sorry, Bill is a good person who is married to a power hungry goat. If I was married to a goat like that I would cheat on him I mean her too.

  4. Monica and Bill were both adults DEAL WITH IT.

  5. to JustLook

    How can you say Bill Clinton wasn't guilty of sexual harrasment?

    Ask yourself...what if a General in the Air Force did the same thing?   Used his POSITION OF AUTHORITY to woo one of his DIRECT SUBORDINATES into AN EXPLICIT SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP.

    What if the CEO of a major corporation did the same thing?

    How can you Clintonistas continue to abide such cog/dis....

    Clinton took advantage of an impressionable young intern, conducted presidential business on the phone while getting blow jobs, etc..

    Hating on Bush is not a 'counter' to this.  Wrong is wrong.  If Bush is wrong....he's wrong in other ways.

    Clinton was wrong to use his position of power to get explicit s*x.

    How do you morons continue to deny the obvious?  What he did was sick and matter how much you hate George W. Bush..

  6. First, you really should get your facts straight before your bashing sessions begin.  The Clintons are not now, and have never been LEFT of the political spectrum.  They have been true Progressives from the day they began their work in politics.  And Progressives lean far more to the right than the left, as anyone who knows anything about politics can tell you.  Frankly, I believe she is the most qualified candidate running for office, but she is even a bit too conservative for my tastes.  And I am a proud (thank you for calling me a) LIBERAL in every sense of the word.  No one had to teach me the meaning of the word compassion.

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