
Are leg cramps a sign of pregnancy?

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I'm talking major leg cramps. like make you want to cry in the middle of the night cramps!




  1. No, not usually a sign of pregnancy but it can be a sign of needing more calcium in your diet.  Try some tums or calcium supplements and you should notice a difference.  :)

  2. maybe you are weather dependent

  3. no those are chalrie horses i get those and i have never been pregnant

  4. never heard of that one

  5. hey there i was jus saying that to my man the other nite its like a dull cramp and a ache all at the same time were ttc aswell also i had a nap this avo and had the most vivid dream i have ever had so heres hoping baby dust to us all

  6. Im trrying to get preg to actually and I was complaining to my husband last night how my back of my legs and lowerback was hurting!  So lets keep our fingers crossed (AND ITS NOT A CHARLIE HORSE I THINK WE KNOW WHAT THEY FEEL LIKE THANKS ANSWER NUMBER ONE!)

  7. When I'm about to start my period, I get MAJOR leg cramps. You may also be experiencing  charlie horses and that sometimes means that you lack potassium or don't drink enough water.  

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