
Are leopard geckos carnivores or omnivours, if there omnivours tell me what fruits and veggies they can eat?

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reptile diet




  1. Leopard geckos are insectivores; gut-loaded live crickets and mealworms should be the bulk of their diet. They appreciate a varied diet so you can occasionally throw in some silkworms, locusts, waxworms, and superworms (large mealworms). You can also occasionally dust the live insects with calcium supplement to make sure your reptile friend is getting all the nutrients and vitamins he needs.

    You can try a commercially freeze-dried leopard gecko food, but I've never seen a leopard gecko willingly eat something that isn't moving.

    For breeding female leopard geckos, it is also ok to feed pinkie mice.

    Hope that helped, good luck!

  2. They are insectavores and therefore wont be interested in any sort of salad or fruit that you put into their vivarium. Here is a list of the insects you can feed them :

    Crickets - these are the best for them.

    Locast - Larger version of crickets.

    Mealworms - Not the best for them but still used as main diet.

    Waxworms - High in fat and Low in protien and vitimins for the gecko.

    Hoppers - Similar to Crickets but slightly larger.

    Pinkies - Good food and favoured by some of the larger geckos

    Black African Crickets - these are big so only use on the big geckos.

    Dont feed them any sort of meat like chicken. This wont do too much harm but it isnt their usual diet so it isnt recommended. I hope this helped.

  3. They are Carnivorous, well actually insectivores as they eat crickets, meal/wax/or other worms, and occasionally as adults pinkie mice.

    Hope this helped

  4. They are insectivores and eat a variety of food. THe smaller babys east half inch crickets and ocasional meal worms. The aolecencent leopard geckos eat meal worms 1 inch crickets and mealworms. Adults can eat anything from meal worms to pinkie mice (new born mice)

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