
Are leos that bad of a person? Tell me what u think about them and ure sign:)

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Are leos that bad of a person? Tell me what u think about them and ure sign:)




  1. I love my three Leos without question--One is my husband and the other two are my daughter and her husband. They are all wonderful people. You can't judge people based on any kind of label. We're all unique. There are "good" and "bad" Leos and Libras !!

    I am a Libra.  

  2. I am a Leo and have no idea what that means in horoscope world, I don't think I am a jerk. I wear my heart on my sleeve so I experience the whole range of emotions.  Strong willed tho, that can turn people off that like to control their surroundings.

  3. i think tht leos are very kind...they usually arent afaid to speak their mind so they may come off a little mean sometimes...

    im a aquarius...:)

  4. Being a Leo myself I find that I am fairly passionate when it comes to my lovers but for the most part I am pretty chill. However, having dated a few Leos I find that when you put 2 Leos together it is tough finding who is the head lion. Some head butting occurs in that situation. Overall Leos I have met are fiercely loyal to those that are close to them.

  5. I am a Leo. What makes you think we are bad at all? People are different no matter they're sign.

  6. Well I am a leo and I don't think we are that bad.  We can be really fun, loving, outgoing, crazy.  Why you think they are bad?

  7. Leos=bad???? Naaaa

    Leos just have those big egos. My cuz is a Leo. Lol he has a sensitive ego but he's a really funny person and relaly fun to chill with. He loves to be the center of attention though. And he gets jealous/mad when guys look at me or say stupid stuff. Lol he's over protective too... He shouldn't have to be though, cause i can kick a guys ***. Anyways, Leos are good people and are usually happy.  

  8. Never really had any problems with Leo's

    I think they're fun to be around.

  9. LEOS ARE NOT BAD!I am sick of seeing people's comments and questions about 'who doesn't like Leos'  and why they are bad,and people that haven't met a single Leo ask and answer these questions with no personal experience.Leos are some of the kindest,nicest,most loving sign in  the zodiac.

  10. Leos are the best people you will ever find! Who is more loyal? More passionate? More like a wildfire? *is a leo*... I actually think that scorpios are the best... I just find other leo's boring I mean we have too much in common to like each other much...leos are okay

  11. leo's are awsome but there is a thing about them that is really frustrating they always like being the right ones and they like arguing and really stuborn i have a friend that is a leo but i love her soo much and i'm a virgo well, there is nothing much about me but i can tell you that i am a hard worker and i can be shy sometimes!!

  12. no, leos are awesome! we are just cuddly lions and lionesses... just be careful of our ROaR!

  13. i don't think they're that bad i know a few they are all pretty different though one is really nice and funny the other one i know had a crush on me but when i told him i didnt like him that way he got all butt hurt and said he never really liked me anyways and that he was just desperate for a girlfriend and then he basically called me stupid and now he won't leave me alone and said he was sorry and i'm really pretty paaalease! ugh haha and then my uncle he's really funny he can get obnoxious though but he loves his family a lot and is a good guy :)  ohhh im a scorpio lol :)  

  14. They are very beautiful. sneaky, smart, and intelligent. My daughter is a Leo and I am a Virgo.

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