
Are liberals across America increasing the doses on their antidepressants since McCain picked Palin?

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Are liberals across America increasing the doses on their antidepressants since McCain picked Palin?




  1. No, but conservative consumption of cocaine and alcohol is on the rise again!

  2. uh no palin is a druggie who has a kid with down syndrome cuz she smoked while pregnant

  3. No, but I bet Cindy McCain has.

  4. Sales of Thorazine and Prozac are through the roof.

    I just hope the BDS libs vow to leave and this time actually follow through with it.

  5. Maybe, maybe not - I think conservatives are less likely to need Cialis though.    

  6. I think they started taking heavy doses when they found out they were stuck with Obama as their candidate.  A man who can't talk without a teleprompter and when he does talk it's painfully obvious he doesn't have a clue what he's saying.  How embarrassing.

    She's infinitely more qualified than Obama.  She's run a state and a town.  Obama's never run anything.

    I'd be upping the meds too if I were a liberal.

  7. Since her husband works for the oil companies, I think not.

  8. Not if people are voting on the issues.... Do you right-wingers really think we are that naive and hypocritical that we'd throw away our beliefs just to vote for a WOMAN who represents the exact opposite of our values just because she pees sitting down????  

  9. Well, kind of puts a wrinkle in the far left who complains that the right is all sexest, white males.

    Actually, that was tested when Bush put Condi where he did, too.  

    It don't matter.  They will still complain.  The left is an angry crowd.  

  10. Probably not. Most people can't afford their prescriptions as it is.

  11. I thought Republicans were increasing the dosage of the anti-depressant EFFEXOR since they stole their motto "The Change You Deserve." Side effects of taking EFFEXOR are much like those of voting Republican: common side effects may include nausea, dizziness, sleepiness, sweating, dry mouth, gas, abnormal vision, nervousness, insomnia, loss of appetite, constipation, confusion, agitation, tremors, yawning, palpitations, and increased cholesterol.

    More serious side effects may include increased heart rate, extreme confusion, seizures, abnormal bleeding or bruising, sudden eye pain, eye redness, changes in vision, and mania or hypomania.


  12. I'm a liberal and honestly, I'm thrilled about it.  I don't think McCain could have done much worse.  Even Lieberman would have been a better choice.

    Palin has 20 months experience governing a state with only slightly larger population than the district for which Obama was state senator for 8 years.  Lack of experience is out the window.

    I think this pick just comes of as a condescending attempt to pander to former Hillary voters.  I think McCain just gave Obama a huge gift.

  13. What does her husband's career have to do with her?

  14. Uh no, we're ecstatic because he just handed the election to Obama

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