
Are liberals so vicious today b/c Palin's going to kick their a*ses in Nov?

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Barack Obama picked a safe chose, and also chose to have 1/2 of Hillary's 18 mill votes up for grabs. By choosing Palin, McCain has energized the conservative base, the christian community, and has stolen some of the women's vote. So are liberals so angry on the tv tonight b/c they realize they're going to lose in Nov?




  1. We aren't angry over Palin its how you people behave, you lie , cheat, steal, anything to get power! Whats so disgusting is how much you people lie, your no Christians your total frauds and I hope there is a nice warm place for you to reside after your deeds are done.

  2. Sarah Palin is brilliant and articulate and, in Alaska politics, is a breath of fresh air as an alternative to their corruption epitomized by Ted Stevens "Bridge to Nowhere", She Veto'd the "Bridge" Earmark.  Now Obama, who has spent two years preventing a woman from being president, has the ire of females.   Now McCain has vividly demonstrated the differences between he & Bush.  Sarah Palin is no d**k Cheney!

    She has stood up to the Special Interest Groups, Lobbyists, and Big Oil companies.

  3. Nope just poking fun at McCain's choice. It is fun. McCain has lost it for sure this time.

  4. deep down,they already know they picked a couple of losers,mccain hit it out the park,PALIN IS PERFECT!!!

  5. Yes , You nailed it. They are so scared , they know Obama is done now. LOL

  6. Hardly.  I think this Palin choice is pandering and it is politically motivated.  McCain has made another flip-of -the-coin reckless decision.  It brings McCain's judgement into question.

  7. Don't be so proud to be a conservative today.  There is nothing to be proud regarding your failed George W. Bush and his stupidity.  McCain's selection of Palin was great!  This should ensure that a good majority of voters will not select McCain because he really isn't that good when it comes to his judgment.  I bet you won't have much to smile about come November when a black man becomes the first black US president.  Dare u.

  8. Pretty much.

    Romney would have divided

    Lieberman would have exited

    Pawlenty would have united

    Sarah Palin will unite and excite.  Doesn't get any better than that.

  9. You republicans are so dim. Sarah Palin is currently being investigated by the Ethics Committee in her OWN STATE! You GOP's keep thinking she stole some of Hilary's supportes.  McCain might've gotten the very bitter Hilary supporters but the ones who are smart and vote for policy knows that Sarah Palin is the complete opposite of Hillary.  She is against women's rights and a gun toting NRA member. She is the greatest liabilty to the GOP and I'm glad McCain chose her.  It's going to make Obama's win just that much easier! Buh Bye!!

  10. I believe that just the pick has threatened liberals and she hasn't even started campaigning yet. By next week, I see McCain gaining ground in the polls.

  11. u r exactly right and now im even more ready for november!

    mccain made an excellent choice =]

  12. Liberals won't sleep much over the next few weeks, that's for sure!

  13. They thought they had a sure thing and were all prepared to attack Romney and McCain thru a wrench in that, now they are all scrambling to begin the bashing, mainly it's all been about her looks, which are very good by the way

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