
Are liberals trying to say that no experience for president is better than no experience for VP? ?

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Vice Presidents do almost nothing, especially compared to the president. Tie breaker for senate(how often does that happen?)Even advice to the president is minimal. (that is why the president has a cabinet) Apparently liberals do no know this, saying it is "Hypocritical" for republicans to worry about Obama's experience.

Let me guess... "McCain is 72", "VP's sometimes become president", "Obama has more experience than Palin", "Obama makes better judgments" "What about Cheney? or some senseless attack on Palin. These are all NOT answers to the question.

Gotta love that "what about d**k Cheney?" rant. The Libs accuse him of doing everything bad with no proof or facts and then use these baseless accusations as proof that VP does a lot.




  1. I care less for her poor experience, what I care is judgment. McCain judgment for his first decision was poor. Worst than a rookie mistake.

  2. wake up, any so called Liberal is mocking you guys for saying that.  why is that so hard to understand????????


  4. Actually, McCain, Obama, and Biden have absolutely no executive experience.  Sarah Palin has just shy of 2 years experience as governor and was the mayor of a small town for several years.  None of the candidates have the experience in this regard that voters could really hope for.  Senators don't generally make the best presidents and seldom even get the nomination of their party.  This is the weirdest election I can remember in 40 years of voting.  I'm reserving my judgment until the debates and I may not vote for president at all.

  5. Yes, it seems a bit odd does it not?  Just like a baseball hero who is booed by the opposing team's fans, the harder they come after a Republican the more you can assume that Republican is effective.  


  6. No, they're saying it as hypocritical of McCain to attack Obama for having no experience and then choose Sarah Palin as his number 2. And if you think VPs have no power, just look at d**k Cheney. I know you think there's no proof, but he and his businesses run this country.

    People forget JFK and Lincoln also had no executive experience, and most historians agree they did just fine.

  7. Democrats defend the indefensible,  

  8. The less experience the better.  Too much political experience is the worst thing a candidate can have.  It would be better if Joe Sixpack was our candidate

  9. Obama does have experience actually, so I don't agree with you.

  10. One thing that really doesn't make sense, Palin has served in government for the past 6 years in one way shape or form. Running a city/state is certainly more experience than giving a speech. We can go back and look at some of Palin's judgment calls and compare them to Obama's. The truth is Palin has shown a really good sense of judgment for her state. Obama has shown that he can come up with ideas but can't follow through on them.

    But ultimately it boils down to we don't elect the Vice President. We elect the President.  

  11. In times where McCain is on a diplomatic mission to some foreign country, the VP steps in to deal with many things here in the US. They also represent the US on many of their own diplomatic missions.

    You have a good point McCain is getting on in years and has had cancer multiple times, choosing a VP simply because she is a she is foolish, how would you like to be run by a political tool? I'm not saying she couldn't handle it but the reasons for choosing her required only the simple thought of "How can we steal some of the female voters that are pissed over Hillary's failure to gain the Democratic nomination?" Even if she's ready I do not agree with why she was chosen and have you not seen the video where she said she needs to be told exactly what the VP does?

    Look if you are going to name someone who could take over the president's position, I would like to have someone with the same or similar credentials, wouldn't you?

    Look both parties jump on every chance they can to make the opposing party look worse, it's a tradition, one of which I dislike. No need to get so vehement over such small details. Just make your decision on how the candidate says he/she will run the country and how the political party usually runs things and you'll be fine. I will not be voting McCain simply for his energy policy but perhaps you prefer his energy policy, whatever we're all still AMERICAN!! WEWT!!

  12. mo - Obama has experience? What state has he led? Country? Planet? Other than maybe a race hating Black Liberation Theology meeting in the basement of Trinity Church, he hasn't led anything. Sarah Palin? Governed the largest state in the US for nearly 2 years. She's got more experience LEADING people than McCain, Obama, and Biden combined...

    Obama has experience? LOL!

  13. well,she did pretty good as runner up in the miss alaska.she was ready at any time to take the crown.

  14. You hit the nail on the head!  They are dogging Palin for inexperience when she is more experienced than even Obama!

  15. Because of McCains age and health, Palin may as well be running for President.

  16. We're saying it's hypocritical to choose your running mate as someone who has little experience while you blast Obama on how lacking he is in experience.  

  17. Obamabots are programmed to just follow like sheeple.  They will gladly walk off a cliff if The One requests that of them.

  18. No we're not reatrd!

  19. Its the only avenue of attack they have.

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