
Are librans easy to convince?

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i'm an aries and i'm trying to convince a libra




  1. Sometimes; I'm a Libra.

  2. Since Aries is Libra's opposition, most Libras find Aries almost as s**y as Aries finds Aries. Before the arguments start, anyway. So If you want to convince Libra that you are Mr. or Ms. Right, you stand a chance. Once again, until the arguments start.

    If you are trying to convince Libra of something that is not true or is against Libra's better judgment, probably not going to happen.

    If you are trying to convince Libra to pick the red item over the purple item, for example,  because you want a decision so you can get on with your life, you don't have much choice but to be patient.

    If you want to convince Libra that he (or she) is wrong, Ha. Overwhelm with facts and back up each fact with research. Might work.

  3. I'd say we are.  We hate conflict so a lot of times will go along with someone else's plan just to make them happy.  But we do have our opinions and our ways of doing things.  Like Aries, we like to be in control and in charge.  We just do it in a far more subtle way.  Sometimes so subtly, that the Aries doesn't realize that we're manipulating them.  It could be for the good though.  But good luck!  We are in ways gullible, but we are also a lot smarter than some people give us credit for.

  4. What are you trying to convince them of? We are good at seeing all sides of an issue, but we need a solid argument, and good proof. We don't like extremes, and will not take your side unless it is well backed up, and we have seen the other point of view, and have been given a good reason. We are open minded though, so if you are good at expressing yourself, then we will most likely be more than willing to listen and take your opinion into consideration. It does depend on the Libra, though, and the influences in their chart...Some are more stubborn than others.

    Edit: Not all Libras hate conflict...I personally get a huge kick out of it, and I could argue, or listen to someone argue for hours. I'm also not gullible...So take each Libra for who they are.

  5. welll it kinda depends on the subjects....I hate if anything that will stop them to nag yes I will listen.  But ironically I like to argue if I have enough evidence...^^  Other than that it depends on the subject.

  6. yes..they're indecisive. so there's nothing to convince about the,m. they want people to make decisions for them..

  7. Yeah its pretty easy. My friend is Libra and it so easy to convince her!

    P.S. it also depends what you are trying to convince them to do.

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