
Are libs as usual failing to pace themselves in their assault on Palin?

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They are spamming 2+ new issues daily. It feels like an overwhelming blob of anger really.




  1. Oh Hai - you must be grossly out of touch.  Listen to AM radio and you'll hear all the anger in the world coming from conservatives.  How can you ignore THAT?!  All the liberals in the world can't possibly generate that much negativity.

    Get your accusations right.  Vote McCain/Palin '08 in the meantime if that's your preference but we democrats are tired of being sold the wrong information...that's why we're in Iraq, remember?

    Maybe you should look more closely at the condition of our country before you waste your time slingging mud.  More of the same is definitely a bridge to nowhere.


    Baby On Board - we'd rather take the high road.  Why even waste our breath bickering with those who favor an already proven failed policy?  "...4 more months, not 4 more years!"

    Biker Dude - thumbs up!

    Lipstick - guess you got a *****...finally!

    Lipstick - sorry...erection is the proper/acceptable term.

  2. It's hypocritical and outrageous that the number one pork barrel spending governor in the country is running as a fiscal conservative.

    Sarah Palen is being vetted and the corruption of this cut throat politician is being exposed.

  3. yes, they seem pathetic. This shotgun attack pattern just makes all of the criticisms seem ridiculous. And only reminds people of all the problems with Obama.

  4. The liberals are in desperation mode, they took a huge hit last night, because America loved what they saw, they were proud of the Woman on the stage and she gave the liberals good cause to worry.  She was their worst nightmare, a Woman that was successful in her ownright with morals.  Tough act to beat, so they are out in full force trying to discredit her, to little, to late and too bad.  

  5. No. I am sure there is plenty more about her to be found. You don't come to bizarre views on government (as in Palin) without either being conflicted or pidgeon-hole-ing yourself for the future. Libs wont look anymore foolish than the right's obvious line-jumpers voting for hillary and the right's quad-annual feigned interest in the american public. The only people stupid enough to buy that garbage are the people at that convention and possibly people who ask questions such as you.

  6. Based on the Far Left's attacks I think they are scared.

  7. If they were smart, they would spread the attacks out over a period of time to bring her down rather than offering all the information at once. Which develops an information overload and people either ignore it or forget about it by the time it is important, or they'll argue the issue (either side) for a certain period of time, then forget about it..  

  8. I think that they probably are. That is certainly one of the problems with politics today. Liberals attacking conservatives. Conservatives attacking liberals. People like you feeding the machine of divisiveness instead of unity. I personally think that we should eliminate all of the parties. We have one convention with all candidates allotted the same amount of time to speak with their slots decided by a coin toss and we should all vote in the same place. The ballot should have the names and office that they are running for and no more information than that. It is time for elephant and the donkey to go away. It has been proven that our politicians do nothing but fight and squabble with each other and nothing gets done. We the tax payer suffer. Their lives don't change.

  9. You are correct. It is a waste of time. Palin will self destruct on her own.

    She can't get through the election by repeating "talking points", Rush is not gonna put up with a girl moving in on his turf.

    Sooner or later she is going to have to debate and answer questions about issues.

    Life is NOT scripted.

  10. Palin IS fair game, not her kids. And I for one have had enough of trailer trash in or near the White House.

  11. It's just politics, both parties are doing it!


  12. No. How is addressing the FACT that palin's unwed, teenage daughter is pregnant an "assault"?

  13. But there's so MUCH to criticize!

    It's like a smorgasboard.

  14. As usual they have nothing of substance and now that Palin has joined McCain they know they can't win. Expect even more desperate shots at the Alaskan governess as Obie continues to drop in the polls.

  15. That's one way to look at it.  I bet if they just outright ignored it, the republicans would be concerned.  It was just so good, they are terrified and cannot help themselves.

    I don't fault them.  We would do the exact same thing.  There is a lot of emotion in the political process this year.  

  16. are palins(or should we call her player ?) watchers watching her closely , no telling what she might do next , the assembley of god sure aint keeping tabs .

  17. Anger ?  Assaulting Palin ?  Please explain yourself.

    Speaking for myself, I am not angry, I am ecstatic that the PNAC "selected" her, and as for Palin she is what she is, if you like what she is, that is your problem and you will have to live with the negatives she has brought to the table, not I.  

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